In Battle Dawn when coming across various opponents over multiple eras, it's important to go back and show the proper respect and credit where it's due. We may make fun of our enemies at time to time, but rarely do we lose respect for how they fight, how they act, and how they try. Sometimes though, we come across some real insufferable jerks that don't deserve to even be mentioned as a competitor in Battle Dawn for their poor behavior to their enemies, allies, and own members.
I have never met a more annoying alliance than the one playing on E4 right now named LOIC - Low Orbit Ion Cannon. I will say that despite the rotten tree, there somehow seems to be some decent fruit on it, so I will only call out the few that caught my eye specifically and leave others to judge the others fairly.
@Hood: You're a disgrace bro. You've spent this entire world mounting excuse after excuse. You had ONE job. ONE job. You failed it miserably. You had the numerical advantage, you had the positional advantage, and yet you still failed to come up with a way to kill those arguably less active than you. When asked how you've failed so miserably you have come up with 3 lies.
1. BYZ Coalition is farming. I will admit that it may happen on individual cases, and sometimes it can't be helped. I've had on several occasions a friend place without my asking who will sit the entire era building nukes and just hitting things randomly, sometimes spamming. I discourage my friends from such an act, but I am well aware of only 1 case of this within our entire coalition. The BYZ Coalition doesn't have to farm to beat you. I do question the colonies around you like "Hood no 1 fan" and some others who replied to my conquer message saying they were here to support you... but I will not lay claim that you farm. While I think under investigation these colonies could be seen as a breach of the rules, they are not banned. If they are not banned, I must trust the Admin's judgment as I sure as hell reported them.
2. BYZ Coalition is placing spammers. I decided somewhere around tick 400 that I wanted to place in Africa and just spam whatever is there, so I spammed NG, NGs, ROME, BoS, and OTT at the time. Sadly BYZ wasn't in range because I would've loved to hit Colin a few times to bug him lol. In war you must realize that spammers will pop up, because it's a fun way to watch the war if you're in middle of it, and it's even more fun when you pop a few spam bombs to shake things up. Not only that, but your conquers have beef with you because you well, conquered them. They're going to spam you. The counter to this is to place thick infrastructure and always keep someone on backup. You instead cry about how it's not fair and that the BYZ Coalition places all these people to slow you down.
3. BYZ Coalition is bribing your subs. The funny thing about this one is well.. this.

The people who have betrayed you have done so on their free will, fed up with the inactivity in your sub alliance. I've seen people switch from both sides. That message above is something that you cannot screenshot coming from anyone in the top 3 alliances in the BYZ Coalition, and if you can I will eat my words along with my hat and get you a nice video of it.
Not only that, but the general lack of respect you have for BoS is what has annoyed me the most and driven me into a fit of rage enough to post this message.
How dare you. I do have skype logs of you talking about BoS as if they were your 'b****' and not only that but more messages from some of your rotten members reveal that this may very well be the general attitude in LOIC.

The second message sent to me by Diamond in reply to me inquiring if I could actually get into BoS. Do you really think that if your coalition somehow wins this war that YOU are to reap the benefits?
How. Dare. You.
You, who have sat here and cried endlessly about the BYZ Coalition and how unfair they are.
You, who have been unable to defeat 2 of the lesser brothers in the BYZ Coalition.
You, who haven't laid a single kill on BYZ.
Had you been up against BYZ, you would be dead already no matter how hard you boosted. BoS is superior in activity. BoS is superior in tactics. BoS is superior in their attitude.
If by some miracle chance your coalition wins, I would readily vomit seeing you take first for this era. Your attitude is terrible, your activity is low, and your tactics are rudimentary and reactive at best.
Show some respect.