This is a real story that hapened in Mars, for any imprecision i apologise.
The game started and soon some alliances start to develop faster than others, HANG, DE, KO, MSF, RAF, AL... and a few others that i do not recall.
DE and KO ocupied west and center, HANG goes until center and ocupied East, taking donw some alliances that was growing like RO. At this time GALA (with the name GALA is back) started to get notest and fast get to top.
War DE / HANG started, KO goes to the side of DE and GALA to the side of HANG.
UTM its a rising alliance at this moment and AL move from the center of the map to North East.
Time for politics started, HANG start to make allies and DE do not make any effort to make friends in this game. Soon the objective of the game stop to be get 10 relics and start to be "Kill DE and friends".
RAF is anihilated, UTM get stronger, AL is in the top 5 alliances, RAGE, AXW and UTM are now powerful alliances that will have something to say about how this game will end.
AL join the war in the side of HANG.
AF have one very fast rising to the top, with the empty space lefted by the disapeering of RAF they fast spread to all East.
The words that everyone was expecting to ear from UTM and AXW are beeing missed... neutrals are they choice.
AF made one shy atempt to take the center attacking DE but soon they have to go back with one rebel alliance RO attacking them all the time.
The war DE - HANG are developing avery days more heavy, KO came to center and take alot of silos from AL1, this is the point where the war have no winners, the real fulcral point in this war.
With one strong offensive HANG and GALA made KO turn back, after some days fighting and with heavy losses the status quo in the center was reisntaured and the classic war of waves from DE and HANG continues, in one time of the day HANG arrive and take all ops after some ours take back armies and go sleep, next morning already DE wake up and tooke al that ops again and are going to sleep taking back armys.
GALA made one atempt to attack DE from the North East and after a few day they get heavy casualties and have to go back.
AL are getting strong and feeling confiance, never disturbed alot DE taking one op here and anhoter there to see that ops taked back next day. It was decided that AL will try to attack DE from North East trying to push the DE armys to north giving space for HANG take the center and establish there some silos.
The war UTM - AL1 stop, start war UTM - MSF but after 2 days is also stoped. Now all the East its united against DE and WI (ex KO).
UTM and AXW do not take part in the world war.
AL decide to attack DE next to the Cristhmas season, at this time start one truce DE - HANG and the armys of AL stay in enemy territory for 3 days.
In the Cristhmas eve DE extermine all armys of AL loosing almost all armour units in they armys.
The truce finished, the waves of SYN (ex HANG) are getting stronger and DE starts to attack with spams taking back ops but not ebought any more, SYN move more to north pushing DE to next to the hive. GALA its attacking WI in the West front preventing them to make anhoter incurssion to the center.
With the disapeering of AL, AF get even more space to grow and get one very strong alliance, UTM and AXW are growing unstopably.
SYN give one push and fight they way untill the DE hive taking one relic, and anhoter. WI abandon the West front and go after the relics.
With the West front opened GALA goes to the WI hive and start to take donw WI colonys.
Wi suffurs a disaster defeat trying to take back one relic and GALA in this moment is finishing WI colonys.
With DE and WI crumbling and with no armys to fight back start to arrive all the enemys that they have made in this game, every one wanted one peace of them at the time.
AL was exterminated in the Cristhmas eve night and in 1st of January DE was already dead...
Start war RAGE - AXW, its a missile war at the beggining with no sides taking alot of risks but soon big armys are flying around.
OK... now DE and and WI are dead... what should we do? is not the game finished? aaaa... what? relics? but.. the objective in this game was not to kill DE and WI?
AF move they armys next to AXW, many of the strongest armys in the game are AF now. With the disapeering of DE and WI we live in one world only with friends, going hand by hand... well... AL have a big army and wants to use it. So AXW are the victim.
This is one reall story that happened in MARS 4, hope everyone learned and made so many friends like i did. To everyone i wish victory in the next game, play fair... because Karma its a evil thing