BigDaddy22 wrote:
As the title says; Any suggestions for Mamut builds?
At the risk of stating the obvious, there in only 1 top weapon slot and 4 side weapons, with 6 module slots and great heat/energy starting point (50 regen40). But no missiles, so long range options are limited unless using a missile module.
I am thinking the full shield that stops 50% damage looks realistic here, probably with 3 heat or energy packs (for heat or energy shield). Probably a single slot for resistsance module and two armour plates to finish off...
I am thinking two swords ...
So what weapons, and what about my initial thinking on modules?
Do I need a missile module?
What range would be priority for a hiher level mech build?
Forget the rocket module, as long as you have charge and teleport you won't have to deal with long range much. Get an H&E module along with one heat or energy depending on shields, weapons, etc. 2 armor plates sounds good. Don't go with two swords, you'll hardly ever be able to use them both in one turn, and you won't get enough use out of the second one for the price. Try to find a good draining weapon, solidify your energy/heat advantage. I haven't played the game too long but I mostly know what I'm talking about.