Seeing as Super Mechs only has 9 achievements at the moment, I was thinking players could come up with achievements they would like to see in the game. So, I will start off the list and will add other players ideas to the list.
1. Still Alive- Have 15hp or less at the end of a round.
-02. Never Give Up- Don't quit 100 matches in a row.
-03. Fireman- Do _____ amount of fire damage in your total career.
-04. Winning- Win x matches in a row.
-05. True Heat Seeker - Overheat x opponents.
-06. Sovereign - Win x fights against higher lvl.
-07. Collector - Own all Rare items.
-08. Energy Discharger - Drain total of X energy from opponents.
-09. Firebreather - Give total of X heat to opponents.
-010. Physical Elemental - Do total of X physical based damage.
-011. Energy Elemental - Do total of X energy based damage.
-012. Magma Elemental - Do total of X heat based damage.
-013. Titan - Beat "God Mode" mech X times.
-014. Overachiever - Complete all achievements.