I disagree with you entirely.
32Gaming wrote:
Also, you can just put on a mythical resistance module to pretty much solve the problem
false. the standard resistance for top level mechs is 10 or 11 and anyone who doesnt use resistance generally has a bad time (even the double novas these days) so if 0 resistance is bad then -7 is significantly worse. (which is what you get with an 11 res mod on godmode)
think about it you're starting with negative resistance, anyone with drain weapons is gonna rip that (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) apart.
I have been doing 1v1s this tournament and have defeated almost all the god mode torso users, as soon as you get a draoiner on them they're in a tough spot because you do so much extra damage. the high HP means very little when it melts away like butter.
only person who pulls off god mode in 1v1 is fluxeon with his duel needles. as with any balanced torsos, there will be users who can use them to get ridiculously good ratios, but it goes for everything. point to a good torso and I'll point you to a build that works very well in top level play with that torso. god mode is no different.
my two cents on the issue.