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Should we change the ladder system?
1) Yea that ish broke fam 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
2) Nah, it's perfect the way it is 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
3) I'm not sure/don't care/doesn't affect me 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
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 Post subject: New ranking system?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:35 pm 
First Lieutenant
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Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:52 pm
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So it seems many people hate the current ranking system or at least seem bothered by how trivial it seems at a glance. Many people have been wanting to change it, and it seems this was always a problem. Honestly, I think it's fine, especially as long as it's fair to everyone. WHICH IT IS NOT. *Drops the mic*

You heard it here first folks. Our ranking system is unfair.
I propose we use a numbered ranking system. If anyone has ever played an ancient children's card game by the name of "Yu-Gi-Oh" (great game, just broken these days, unfortunately), then you might have played this game online on duelnet. I propose using a system similar to DN's (which has now been shut down lol)

Anyway the system went something like this.

When you win a match you get "x" amount of points. usually 15 - 20 (depending on who you face).
The people on the top always had 1800 - 2000 ranking points.
You would start the new format with 100 points. If you lost you went to 98 or 99, every loss would only drop you a few points, I never lost more than twice in a row so I have no clue how that part of the system works.
When you receive a win, you get points. When you receive a loss, you lose points.
When you won, if it was an opponent of low points you would only get about 12 - 20 points. if you have 400 points and beat someone of 1200 points you would get a lot of points, and the person you beat would lose a lot of points.

Anyway the bottom line is that decent players like me or worse exceptional players (usually high ranked people), face hundreds of noobs and sub par players. That's not very fair.
I even face rank 2 players. A rank 1 should almost never play a rank 2.

This point system would make it so that you face people with a similar point status as you. If I have 1600 I'll only face people in the 1200 - 2500 point room. If I have 1500 points I shouldn't ever be facing people with 400 points.

The only problem is that DN had much more players online, and that were active at any given time, and they were playing long matches. (10 - 60 minutes+) Here there are only a couple hundred players online and much less active players playing short matches. You can't copy + paste the DN system in my opinion. Even if you adjust the points and what not. Also yugioh is just a completely different game. There was a huge luck element. Two equally matched players with equally matched decks would have the duel decided at the luck of a draw. You didn't go on 70+ win streaks, also probably because you faced people similar to you in skill. Also you can play much more games in a week on super mechs than u could play on DN in 3 months. So the numbers I use wouldn't be practical. If we used that some people might get into the tens of thousands. We should use something simple to understand and easy to follow, which the current system in my opinion lacks. What really bothers me is that I rarely play players that are a fair match for me (mainly cause they're all in 2 v 2 and 3 v 3. I will be soon, I've only been playing for a month gimme a break!!!)
And that's another problem. Adjusting the 2v2 and 3v3 points and what not.
If a new ranking system was implemented it would require a lot of testing and tweaking.

The system I speak of is only one possible example. If the Devs are open to making a new system, I don't mind sitting down and having a chat about it. I think other players should also have a say in it. Give me your thoughts and ideas, maybe someone can even come up with a better system than the one I have in mind. Or you guys can help me make a proper point system that would suit this game.

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