Korupt wrote:
The matchmaking system will increase the range it spans to find you a match sooner. The maximum is a range of +/-4 I believe though. If someone level 25 is searching their range could be at 22-28 so they could actually be paired with you even if your range is only stating 22. Hope this helps even though I don't think I explained it very well. If you need it cleared up a bit more just pm me or respond here. Lastly, welcome to the forums.
Thanks for the reply. When I looked at the equipment of the opponent, I only identified the drone. After I watched the replay, I found out his level was 29 (show on top, also verified it through his weapons - Quad MG).
What I still don't understand:Why was the searching mechanism showing that it was searching for level 22 and immediately placing me against such a higher level? There was no indication and no chance to abort the search.
Why did my opponent get the first shot? Isn't the First-Mover-Advantage given to the lower level?
Sorry for forgetting the details, but I was pretty mad when this matchmaking bug happend.
Ive had this happen once where I faced someone 5 levels higher than me.