OBGYN wrote:
I assume what you mean is that by equipping lower level gear a level 30 will be matched against lower levels. The solution is to make it impossible to match a player with someone 3 or more levels lower (or whatever is appropriate).
Currently as is... no matter what your level is, you are only matched up according to the highest leveled item you have on your Mech to include specials, mods, and kits. You are not matched to your "personal level"
ex. i am a level 27... the highest piece on my Mech is an 18, i have fought Mechs from 16-22. I do not plan to leave the level 18ish range untill i hit level 30.
OBGYN wrote:
It doesn't make much sense to me that these items aren't available to a capped player. In my case, I leveled too quickly to be able to obtain these and other items from boxes, and now I'm unable to because the only box at my disposal gives level 28-30 items only.
Also remember you don't have to only buy boxes, you can always straight up buy the item for full amount.