My Name is Ben Bowers. I am trying my very best to become a Staff member for battledawn and to do that I have to help players. So I thought I would begin with a Topic explaning how to creat a account.
1) type in
http://www.battledawn.com into your Adress Bar and press "enter"
(you will be taken to a page that has BATTLEDAWN written at the top of the page and two bars in the middle of the page. The Blue Bar will say LOGIN and the Green Bar will say New Player.)
2) press the GREEN bar.
(you will then be taken to a page that has three soldiers standing with worlds behind them)
3) click a world/soldier
(then a scroll down bar will be shown and there will be worlds with names such as Earth 1 or Fantasy 6 pick any world of your choice)
4) once you have chosen a world press enter in the bottom right hand side of the screen and enjoy BattleDawn!
(there will be a tutorial after the game loads so don't worry)
Here to help,
Ben Bowers