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 Post subject: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:54 pm 
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I'm a little heated about the situation so I figured I'd get this off my chest asap.

First off, I thought I had some good friends in ExSo and thats why I began to play with them. I have played with a few of them on multiple occasions and have never ONCE had any issues with them, looks like my list of people I wont play with just doubled.

Yesterday I spoke to MorGaN and informed him that I was going to speak to ARM about joining. I was not having a good time in ExSo and thought their lack of experience and coordination going up against top tier alliances was less to be desired. I didn't get along with a few of the younger, "noobier" members and I felt it was time to move on. At that point I halted my relics movement until I heard back from Tigran.

MorGaN said he was sad that I was leaving, but that he would grant me safe passage because we are friends. After I halted my Relic, MorGan messaged me and told me the alliance was getting suspicious and to keep the relic moving. This is where we began to misunderstand each other. I was under the impression that since I single handedly captured the relic (I built the gates/radars to get there) without any help, that It was mine to take and was part of the whole "safe passage" he promised. This was not the case and he demanded that if I were to leave that the relic stays and gave me 6 ticks to begin to move the relic back towards the ExSo hive or he would kick/conquer me.

I did as he asked and moved the relic, but after I login the next tick I see one of his "sub" leaders attacking me based on MorGan's orders. This is where our conversations became less than civil and I realized that MorGaN is only worried about score and that I could not trust him. After a lengthy conversation the squads were turned back and all seemed to be well for me to relocate and leave ExSo.

The deal we struck was that my squads leaving my relic could make it to a gate and that I'd relocate to greenland to wait to see if ARM would take me. I was told that I would not be kicked until after my squads landed, gated to greenland and I relocated. Hell, I even offered ExSo my 75+ crystals if ARM would not take me out of the kindness of my heart.

I leave, go out for a couple of drinks with friends and come back to find out that I've been kicked (thus resetting my control ticks) and jammed (probably getting attacked). This is unforgivable, MorGaN has been going on and on all day today about how I'm untrustworthy and no longer his friend...yet I have done nothing but what he asked. Turns out, MorGan and ExSo are the untrustworthy bunch and will do anything to attempt to keep their score up and try to keep up with ARM (goodluck!).

I worked my butt off for that relic AND those crystals. I gave in and allowed them to take the relic that they don't deserve what-so-ever, but obviously that wasn't enough. This is the most pathetic and unprovoked backstab I've been involved with in my short time with BD and I will not forget it...ever.

mL / AI / Prr / ROTR / Meow / KM
Oluvai wrote:
There is no clue boost.
bfan8475 wrote:
If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight


 Post subject: Re: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:05 am 
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Yup, was just conquered by one of the subs. Congratulations ExSo for taking all of my hard work, cant wait to see ARM rip it from you when you buckle.

mL / AI / Prr / ROTR / Meow / KM
Oluvai wrote:
There is no clue boost.
bfan8475 wrote:
If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight


 Post subject: Re: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:17 am 
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This is a sad story, but I think that the main issue here is that many of the elites now are losing what it means to play BD the correct way, and that statement goes for everyone. If the world wasn't so double sided, then things would not be as such, really, a true BD world should have more than just 2 major factions, it keeps things like this, or anythings similar to this for that matter from happening.

Sorry for what happened Redwurm, I am sure that in the future luck will shine brightly on you.

Sir Wolf
Menehune of ASEN
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 Post subject: Re: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:19 am 
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It's just sad that I was called untrustworthy and a liar, when in fact I did everything by the book. I was even giving away a relic that they had no right owning, just so I could leave and not bother with them anymore.

They are the untrustworthy ones..and they are the liars.

Payback is a ____ ExSo, cya soon.

mL / AI / Prr / ROTR / Meow / KM
Oluvai wrote:
There is no clue boost.
bfan8475 wrote:
If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight


 Post subject: Re: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:57 am 

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Its a game to me. Win or lose. I like war and messing around. I rarely rank high ever in NC lol. I've nothing to do with what happened. I won't insult my alliance over it either. They decided that was the best course of action. I just want a fair and fun war in the end. I love playing the game :lol: Winning isn't everything.

Founder of EVIL


 Post subject: Re: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:06 am 
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Lol, Menehune, you know me, and there is more to this story than he speaks.

There is no need to wish him any further luck in the future.

1; When you obtain a relic, it is not for yourself but for the alliance.

2; You're attack on the relic could have been delayed for other squads to join you -- your attack on your own was based solely on your decision, maybe because you wanted the easy 40 crystals?

3; You think you deserve better? Why? Because you spent 50 dollars the last few days? That whole night you were complaining about the 50 dollars you spent and now how the round is over and WE LOST already.

So...let's see, we lost? Sure,sure, now you're going to leave and join ARM? Hand them your blings? Wait...doesn't that just help ARM defeat us even more?, so uhh..let me're going to join the the other relic holder because us (the other relic holder) is apparently not up to your standards...or just because you declared, yourself, that we have already lost the era.

So in the end, you're helping them defeat us?

4; So, if we were gunna lose you won't accept that? You MUST leave and join better? Thus meaning the rank 1 and possible winner right, you must win? Why? Oh that 50 dollars must be the reason!

The past few days you have said nothing but negativity, and probably only negativity your whole life.

If I remember, you told MorGaN about 30-60 different NO's we can't do this NO we shouldn't do this, everything is a NO. Because you are so afraid. If you are so afraid get off this game already.

Redwurm, you are the one that has lowered the morale of this alliance. You're negativity and YOU.

And to say MorGaN cares nothing about his score? You're utterly wrong, this man cares for the core of the alliance and not his own score. The rest of the alliance? I can't say as much, but your ideal was to leave the alliance and thinking of joining a possible hostile in the future which will only help them in the end in terms of resources and that's just not in any sense in wish we should stop targetting you, and once is your own fault that you believe the relic is yours and yours only, as I stated above.

Redwurm says:
there is no thinking about it..its the fact
you guys will do anything to keep your precious score up...because you know half of your alliance is a bunch of worthless noobs

Redwurm says:
err voted
where are they going to go?
all the other alliances are jokes
nobody will leave
well ill have fun with this on the forums
people will know what you have done

30/05/2010 05:58:40 Redwurm KeNt aka. MorGaN I will inform ARM about as much as I can about ExSo, even if I dont join

Face the fact, you call everybody else noobs, and all you have is negativity, UNLESS you are 10000% sure you are victorious then you'll STILL call everyone NOOBS without the negativity towards your own alliance.

【Wins】 - 【12】


 Post subject: Re: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:09 am 
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I agree that I was a negative factor, I didn't fit in so I decided to leave.

mL / AI / Prr / ROTR / Meow / KM
Oluvai wrote:
There is no clue boost.
bfan8475 wrote:
If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight


 Post subject: Re: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:22 pm 

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Ok check it out.....How can even speak on anybody around here lacking in experience? You have never even made it to the top 5. dont even know what its like to have 50+ conquers under your belt.

Apparently this was the best you have ever done in a round. You became intimidated by higher power and your scared to have to fight. This became apparent when u started talkin like a manic depressant in the chatroom.

morgan diddnt want you to get owned. dont be mad at him he wanted to give u a chance to relocate. the rest of the alliance decided to vote another leader because we diddnt agree then we voted morgan right back.

when times get tough u tuck your wee wee and run like a little girl. no good alliance wants that type of player on their team anyway so add the whole world to your ''im not playing with list'' which that comment alone sums up your childish behavior.

dude you spent 50 bucks to my zero and only ended up makin it past me 2 ranks so if your wallet is your experience make sure it bigger next round.

end of story. enjoy livin in antartica for a good minute i hope u packed a warm jacket.

somebody call the wuuaaaaaahmbulance for this sore loser please.



 Post subject: Re: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 2:03 pm 
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i have the lowest army of all in exso and i still want to fight this war

ur to scart and decide to leave to join arm and tell them what were up to

even i would never betray old members even if they want to start a war with a stronger alliance

u callt me a "noobie" yes i am the weakest, yes i have the lowest experience in this game , no i dont donate, but i sure give it my all to serve this alliance

morgan is a great leader, he even gave me a chance to get a relic, even wanted to sacriface his own relic just to let me have it! and all the other member are great

the real loser here is u and the real reason why we dident trust u because u wanted to betray us for arm

just quit the game and never come back. cuz u cant handel it


 Post subject: Re: The pathetic story of ExSo
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 4:15 pm 
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