My Name is Ben Bowers, Some of you may know me from other Step by Step posts I have made but some of you may not know me so I thought I would introduce myself. As I said my name is Ben Bowers and I am trying very Hard to become a staff membeer and to do that I have to help all of you players that are having trouble on battledawn. So lets get to the lesson.
Attacking a colony,outpost,metal mine,relic,oil mine,etc. it all comes down to squads you must have squads to attack (if you want to know how to build units look up my step by step how to build units)
The Steps:
1) Go to your colony and click on one of your squads which will be located on top of your colony.
(you will see a green line don't worry about that)
2) go to the outpost or whatever you are attacking and press the object. When you have pressed the object you are attacking there will be a small box on your screen in that box will be a bar that says "launch" on it, press the button and your attack is off.
Hope you Enjoy BattleDawn!
Here to help,
Ben Bowers