SM Suggestions
events are boring sm just give 2 gold boxes and the event ended
2 old shop
old shop should be back in an event for limited time that would make event good
3 sending items(trading system)
Everybody want a trading system
4 tagging friends
In earlier version there was a adding friend feature and that was good .
We have friends that are not in our clan
5 Color kits
Everybody need color kits not just ultra supporters
6 Workshop you want
With the New Update it has become difficult for old players to create new mech as they have a habit of working in old work shop .If we are able to choose which workshop we want to work in that would be good
7 Saving Mech Design
Sometimes we want to quickly create our fav. Mech
8 Ban Abusers
Not a question about that
9 Crazy Battles
new battles in which if you lose all of your mech items will be given to the winner. To battle you should have 1 myth on your mech
10 Team Battles
Tag up with friend and defeat your enemy who has tag up with his ally
The reward has to be divided among the team but you are greedy betray your ally.
11 Clan Fortress
Have your clan fortress .Defend it attack others
12 CF items
Two types of items Clan Fortress and Mechs
13 Cooling Weapons
When attacked they reduced your cooling can't move until heat up.
They will also disallow player to use cooling to miss turn when not overheated
14 Only lvl. 30 Should be able to use myth
Note: #13 is not my idea

. It is somebody else's (I forget his name

Note2: 1 to 3,5 , 13not for poll