First of all i dont want out of topic talk etc talk
Im looking for team i can assure 1 2 3 finish and expect loyalty and activity specially
I've been given a team actually 2 out of which i have to choose best ones but im not satisfied with them they r not very co operative although good players
I need mems who talk much cuz it is easier to launch etc with them i had a team we were 2000 score more than other but died just cause we didnt play together and everyone fought independant wars
Okay Requirements are
Either one era win as top 5 or 20+ acheivs with top 5 and pwr level 150 acheiv
Activity is 12 to 15 hours
Skype or wassap
Atleast 2k blues.....supporters r preferred but ofc some guys may think they arent given the chance so all r welcome
If you dont fit the criteria somehow u can contact me on skype cuz ik some guys play good without boosting ofc activity is compulsory
Pardon my childish english

yes this is Burner new acc