Hi guys, i'd like to start this off by saying i created this calculator because of being repeatedly asked to calculator battles by a certain player (Choka)
This calculator takes into account your extra damage units and will auto calculate how much damage they can do to a certain set of units, with the option of selecting whether the units have been nuked, spied, or are just at full hp.
Currently the calculator is still in the testing phase and im making sure all my calculations are correct and work, the next phase will be handing over to Choka so she can make it user friendly i just thought i'd post this here so you can check back for when i can release this which should be in the coming days.
Feel free to leave any questions you have about this below

As of 18:43 pm GMT 0
My battle sim is at version 3 and includes a simple formula to tell you how much damage you do with R5 in the extra two rounds. I am merging it with Choka's design hopefully tonight but it could take me a few days to get it to a point that i would like to release it fully to the BD community, I'd also like to the thank members of PPC and CPP as well as Milan and Tactic for testing this for me.