From what i have noticed from my come back on M2 people DO NOT PLAY as a team. This is really sad because it's making things really easy for teams to win, especially donating teams. I'm on Rank 1 alliance on M2 and conquered 2 top 5 alliances consecutively without losing much armor (For me, dont know about my team mates).
Now These teams could have killed Me and the other 2 guys who attacked with me if they actually defended each other. For some reason noone defended each other and got killed 1 by 1. This is really sad to see how player mentality is becoming. I really would like everyone to understand that their colony and their members' colonies are ONE. If one of them is conquered then they're ALL DOOMED. People have to learn how touse nukes and spies and shields. Don't just fill up ur shield to 12 tiks because sometiems that's counter productive since the ENEMY could end up sending more units. Everything you do during the war should have a purpose and be done strategically.
I really hope that people understand that they should play as a team. This is a team game and numbers and team count for 3/4 of the criteria for winning. In my opinion and previous experiences a well coordinated and team playing alliance can take out a huge donating alliance where their players play solo.