dylsupreme1 wrote:
That equals out to around 74 experience for each individual unit.
Don't give me that crap, that's the same thing everyone says. Even if I didn't have any interest in damage units, I would still use them. Because not using them at all and continuing to reject them is a slap in the face to the devs.
I bet you got that from Milan, or one of the other pro's. Think individually, don't bandwagon on every single detail.

i didn't bandwagon on anyone's idea. it's a given if someone else didn't tell you that dmg units are useless because the round doesn't last more than 1 round then you should be able to figure it out yourself.
and first realize this, he used a spy attack so that means in a SENSE that stab had more units more or less.
second the way battle in battle dawn goes is like this( if you didn't already know):
range fires..... units are killed --------because of 3 range.
damage( if there are any) and range fire.------2 range at this point.
if the battle still goes and armor and other units are there all types of units will attack. ----------1 range at this point.
but in the case in which stab showed us, the range units at 3 range killed the other units all in the first round so the damage never got the chance to attack thus USELESS, and the other side's range attacked as well but they only killed 4. there you have it. unless you are trolling or something with your knowledge of BD, you should be able to acknowledge that 1 round battles are ideal.
the pro build is only good because it takes in the consideration that most battles will and should end by the FIRST round if not the second.

Apollo wrote:
Eh, I try to win every once and awhile. Gotta keep up appearances.