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 Post subject: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:16 am 
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between roughly 2002~bush getting kicked out, i particularly disliked USA.

its actions worldwide are heavily condemnable.

i hated USA for its foreign policy, not its people.

beware on that site, some images will shock as they are graphic. ie. dead girl without leg.

im bringing this up because of Obamas new plan to put some military installation in i think Columbia to help combat the illicit drug trade. however, south america is lashing back because of USA's involvement in a string of military coups.

i also mention this because Iraq was a democracy until USA overthrew it in a sponsered Coup so the UK could maintain their oil supplies. so all that B.S. about USA helping Iraq getting democracy is really quite shallow considering the amount of democracy's USA's foreign policy has destroyed.
so goodbye democracy in Iraq, hello military Shah.

feel free to provide info that proves otherwise, the site encourages you to do so.

/end bait for response.


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 Post subject: Re: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:13 pm 

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I'm sick of you bashing the United States. It's all you know how to do. You always say "USA is bad because" or "I hate USA because..." Im SICK OF IT. If there is a thread I'm going to be banned, it is this one.


 Post subject: Re: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:37 pm 
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Exactly. Do not do that here. Why is USA bad. <_<

Apollo is right. I may not be fully American but I still love America.

This will be a post I will get banned in if it was to be the one.

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 Post subject: Re: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:42 am 
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the truth hurts huh?

i offered you to rebuke the "USA BASHING"

yet you didnt, USA's foreign policy of supporting democracy is a political smile while funding the terrorists in the region to overthrow you.

AS i stated, South America is not welcoming Obama's military bases that should help influence and lessen the drug trade there.
you want to know why? because USA throughout the years have funded and helped various coups that often militarily take out perfectly established democratic societies and replace it with a dictator that is more favorable to US markets.

this isnt some conspiracy. this isnt some fallacy. these are historical facts.

im also covering these movements in history so it is plenty alright.

you wonder why i USA bash so much, look beyond your borders and see. USA is actively involved in foreign intervention, Afghanistan, Iraq being the most recent and then it ranges from support of vague europen parties to toppling entire governments in venezuela and waging war in cuba to supporting other parties and interfering with the AUSTRALIAN democratic process and often after the CIA has gone through the area, only dictators are left.

the virtues USA is meant to stand for, the virtues Americans teach their children are not virtues held by the government of past. i sincerely hope obama knows what he is doing and doesnt pull another Bush.

you want me banned? i will gladly close this topic if you can explain why USA's foreign policy is so two faced. so sincere and helpful but are the same people that are funding the militancy in your country.

this doesnt JUST apply to people beyond USA's borders
lets try exhibit A.
USSR trying to take afghanistan to add to its influence during the cold war.
what was meant to be over in a couple of seconds, USA began funding the mujahideen who began a guerilla tactics warfare against the superior technology of USSR.
of course, the CIA trained these troops how to use the explosives. OBL was part of the mujahideen and the US trained the taliban before screwing relations over even more by leaving without a stable government in place resulting in civil war. this had butterfly effects leading to 911 attacks as well as a deeper hatred towards USA for using afghans as puppets.
this isnt the only case of US involvement in the region.

asia (vietnam got stepped up), middle east (iraq was going to become a democracy until USA gave it a dictator shah), east europe (to help stop USSR influence), pacific (fiji government didnt like nuke testing in pacific, CIA gave fiji a new pro american dictatorship, south america (venezuela, chile, etc. a lotta coups here)... and i shouldnt mention the african nations that wanted to use the riches gained from its minerals to better their livelihood instead of foreign investors, those ideas dont last long when america has its interests to protect...

my view here is well based, its not that i dont like americans, nor the fact that i dont like their system, i just believe that their foreign policy is the craps. crap enough for me to dislike the idea of USA. and im not the only one in the world.

/end defensive offensive rant


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 Post subject: Re: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:45 am 

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No it isn't the truth. But all you can do is bash USA. Shall I start the China bashing now? Or later? Or should I show enough self respect to respect other peoples homes? Naa. Who cares about everyone else, right? Right.


 Post subject: Re: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:01 am 
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apollo wrote:
No it isn't the truth. But all you can do is bash USA. Shall I start the China bashing now? Or later? Or should I show enough self respect to respect other peoples homes? Naa. Who cares about everyone else, right? Right.

go ahead and china bash, different thread though, i gave clear legitimate reasons as to where this hatred is based from.

if this gets banned then it is restriction of the freedom of speech :3

i say, be wary, scrutinize.
Australia had a period due to american influence when it almost crapped over its constitution to protect against communism and almost resulted in a permanent right wing party ie. dictatorship.

no country is free from faults, and my reasons are well based. USA is famous for its foreign policy, for all the wrong reasons.

if you are going to continue with ad hominem attacks, im not going to stop you. if you are going to prove me wrong, thats the real purpose of this post.



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 Post subject: Re: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:08 am 

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USA's foreign policy isn't great, I know, no use hiding that. But China isn't much better. Communist, strict laws, internet censorship, etc. But I'm not gonna argue, guarav is watching me :3


 Post subject: Re: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:11 am 
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Watching this thread. Won't hesitate to lock and issue warnings if it turns into flaming.

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 Post subject: Re: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:34 am 
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apollo wrote:
USA's foreign policy isn't great, I know, no use hiding that. But China isn't much better. Communist, strict laws, internet censorship, etc. But I'm not gonna argue, guarav is watching me :3

very well, make your own post, US foreign policy has supported more dictatorships then any other country. if you agree then this whole "we support democracy thing" is a sham?

They have toppled governments that try to sell their minerals and resources elsewhere, isnt that a monopolizing through totalitarian control of the markets rather then capitalism and freetrade?

in these instances it seems the things that USA is supposedly representing is hypocritically crushed so you can buy a phone for $8 cheaper then normal?

this isnt just flaming, this is a responsible questioning of US foreign policy and its effects on the world and USA internally. and i am yet to be hit by anything that says otherwise, there is some scape goating that china is bad, but the number of dictatorships and legitimate democracys crushed in the name of America seems to prove otherwise.

perhaps im trolling, but this is a very legitimate troll.

why is this discussion and debates now?
it relates to foreign policy and US foreign policy has affected many things in often tragic ways.
during the cold war, a referendum almost passed making "communism" illegal in australia. such legislation also allowed people to arrest unionists and left wing politicians for sporting anything remotely socialist in their view. such movements would have resulted in a near totalitarian controlled dictatorship state today instead of australia.

all because of the communist scare propagated by USA. domino theory? absolutely stupid.

lets try chile this time. ... #U.S._Role
20 million dollars was sent to help fund a political campaign against allende who was openly socialist and a supporter of marxism. this was a perfectly good democratic system which shows what chile wanted. they chose allende over his rival who was funded with money and in total, the CIA used about 20 MIL, $400 k in anti allende propaganda, 20 mil US in 2973 is tonnes since inflation worldwide has made its value less.

anyways he took power, so once again, the US must STOP COMMUNISM.
and whats this, this man wanted to nationalize copper mines so the profits stay home rather then abroad to USA?
definate no no.
im not saying he was a perfect leader... but the military coup? well done CIA. well done foreign policy. another one bites the dust because USA got sad.
so yes, he wasnt the best leader
The worst of the military's violent purging from society of thousands of Chilean Leftists and suspected Leftists — by killing or forced disappearance — occurred in the first months after the U.S.-sponsored coup d’état. The military imprisoned 40,000 of their political enemies in the National Stadium of Chile; among the tortured and killed desaparecidos were U.S. citizens Charles Horman , and Frank Teruggi. [25] Chilean song-writer Víctor Jara, and other 70 political killings were perpetrated by the death squad, Caravan of Death (Caravana de la Muerte) in October 1973.

Some 130,000 people were arrested in a three-year period[26][27]; the dead and disappeared numbered thousands in the first months of the military government. Those include the British physician Sheila Cassidy, who later brought awareness to the UK public of human rights violations in Chile.[28] Among those detained was Alberto Bachelet (father of incumbent Chilean President Michelle Bachelet), an air force official; he was tortured and died on 12 March 1974, [29][30][31][32][33]. The right-wing newspaper, El Mercurio (The Mercury), [34] reported that Mr Bachelet died after a basketball game, citing his poor cardiac health. Michelle Bachelet and her mother were imprisoned and tortured in the Villa Grimaldi detention and torture centre on 10 January 1975.

but military coups are not good either >.>

Edit* Famous Quote:
* "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves." — Henry Kissinger

"Not a nut or bolt shall reach Chile under Allende. Once Allende comes to power we shall do all within our power to condemn Chile and all Chileans to utmost deprivation and poverty." — Edward M. Korry, U.S. Ambassador to Chile, upon hearing of Allende's election.

"Make the economy scream [in Chile to] prevent Allende from coming to power or to unseat him" — Richard Nixon, orders to CIA director Richard Helms on September 15, 1970

"It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup. It would be much preferable to have this transpire prior to October 24 [1970] but efforts in this regard will continue vigorously beyond this date. We are to continue to generate maximum pressure toward this end, utilizing every appropriate resource. It is imperative that these actions be implemented clandestinely and securely so that the USG and American hand be well hidden..." — A communique to the CIA base in Chile, issued on October 16, 1970

"We didn't do it. I mean we helped them. [Garbled] created the conditions as great as possible. — Henry Kissinger conversing with President Nixon about the coup.

god bless america?

ive done afghanistan, australia and chile. each post you dont post something for me to rebut, ill give you a lesson in history.
next lesson, either Iraq, Venezuela or Fiji... dw... the list is long. and i might do it more indepth if i can be bothered.

the actual questions are the near-rhetoric ones at the top of this post. everything else is just making a point.


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 Post subject: Re: USA, why is america bad
PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:49 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:40 am
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This thread is sad in the least. To me it sounds like the creator is a closet USA fan. He wants to be American, but we would never allow an individual such as this to be an American... of course they can come over and get their green card because we are the LAND OF OPPURTUNITY, but that doesn't make you an American.

Other countries bashing America is the new fad. There are more things right about America then wrong. I could site what leaders of all nations have said and I can show you how they are the anti-christ, but guess what.... I DON'T because I am proud of my own country.. Those going around bashing other countries are just embarassed by their own little country.

Why don't you focus on where you live and make it a better place. You could work on making it more like AMERICA :D


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