IQ wrote:
As said before....He isn't a major power. Try maybe messaging thoose powerful noobs that have been conquered by him. Thats the best way to go!
Thanks IQ. The message system won't let enough characters through so I'm just directing interested defenders here to this thread.
Other intel on Yo:
He conducted attacks around 7am U.S. Eastern Time. The attacks were probably launched around 4 a.m. Eastern Time, which is an unusual time to be on. He launched a different attack around 1 p.m. Eastern, against someone else.
Yesterday he did not seem to be on much during the hours you would normally expect a player to be around.... i.e. 5pm to 11pm U.S eastern. So that may be a rough indication of when he plays, more data will come in on that later as the conflict escalates. Doesn't seem to have much of a presence west of Central Asia.
This is all crude prelim intel and I hope to improve it.
His home colony is now jammed again until roughly tick 243