What is this (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..)? My screen froze, yet again. It counts it as a loss, yet again. I lose my place in ladder yet again. I lose my winstreak, again. My FAVORITE part is when it's to someone in 4000th place or a rank 2 and then u get kicked infinitely down in ranking. C'mon man, what is this nonsense? Please fix it, these "battle freezes" or "losing ur actions" glitch.
They are wayyyy too common. Not just for me but for my opponents as well. Maybe this time my opponent used the glitch where the timer freezes but I don't like accusing people. I was AFK for a turn or two since it was a drone battle, so it would make sense if he did. However without any concrete evidence I dont see anything happening.