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Post subject: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:04 am |
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:16 am Posts: 3104 Location: No.
You both have 6 posts to prove that your ego is bigger than the other in the most creative and original way!
IF your opponent fails to post in 24 hours it is an automatic disqualification! You will have 3 days for this match. Once 3 days is up, it doesn't matter if you haven't posted 6 times, the round is over. This is mainly so we can move things along and finish the whole tournament
If you are not the competitors in this round please do not post on here rather post HERE it will be opened as a discussion thread for everyone about every match
Good Luck! TOM VS. JFF KGO!
 Sig thanks to Darklighter! CoTM Winner: October
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Post subject: Re: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:31 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:48 am Posts: 7996 Location: Fuyuki City Gender: male
Wat is this joke? Comparing our ego with JFF? Come on, I know that JFF's ego is big, but allowing them to compare to us?  Without comparing, I can already see that you will be beaten, embarassed by the defeat and will be crying alone in the dark corner of the room.  However I am a kind person, I'll let you have the chance to save yourself from embarassment. Accept defeat and do not post on this anymore. You have been warned.
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Post subject: Re: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:56 pm |
Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:32 am Posts: 625 Location: Eire for life haha Gender: male
hahaha of all the people to pontificate its aister a self proclaimed troll and 2d fanboy. Let me simplify this for you we put the sick pink pony simmen down and removed his team without even trying, our first opponents LMT gave 1 reply then ran away in fear yet you think you can match us??We have crushed everyone in our path and will continue to do so because we are and always will be the best there is...........................................

Thanks for the Sig Dawnice ;}~ Skype: cianoige
Wins on this account:F4 Era 16 (Led JFF and finished Rank 1)

Allies ATM:none ;{~
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Post subject: Re: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:18 pm |
Joined: Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:25 pm Posts: 2445
Wow...JFF...Come on man. You ugys are team finalist. I go to bed for 12 hrs and see only 1 post!? I mean...What is this? You guys are surrendering already? I seriously expected something better for a finalist team. But perhaps you guys had a lucky break...
PINK and LMT were worse. Comparing to them is like comparing a tiger to a kitten. But as for you guys? Let me put it this way. If your egos were breakdancing on my ego's eyelids, your egos would still be too small to see. That is assuming they even exist at all.
Whatever reply you dare present me with next, I hope it is better than your first.
_________________ Socialite. Has-been.
No matter how long I have been gone, my heart will lead me back here.
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Post subject: Re: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:41 pm |
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:12 am Posts: 193 Gender: male
Hey is anyone there? I don’t see any competition, oh wait there you are couldn’t see from up here in the clouds where we the gods live. So we are against TOM, don’t worry guys and the troll (aister) we will go easy on you, although us going easy is still way too much for you to handle. Before I get started let me just say a few things you must be on some pretty crazy medication because you seem to be dreaming, you actually think you can beat us? Oh you poor poor things I almost feel sorry for you. We will try and not make you cry but the likelihood is that after reading this you will be so stunned and in awe that you will just break down and never be heard from again. We will be generous and give you chance to back down, now is that time, if you refuse, well then we will just have to destroy you mentally, break you down bit by bit until eventually there is nothing but a shaking child crying in a corner calling his mom. Yes our ego does that to the fools who dare oppose us and you will be no different, 1 by 1 the challengers come and 1 by 1 they get knocked down, it’s a never ending cycle of us taking peoples ego’s in the palm of our hands and crushing it. You will be blown away by the force that is our EGO, you cannot stop us, you cannot beat us, nothing you say or do will affect the outcome of this contest, as soon as our name was put down we had already won. You should thank us for giving you the honour of being in our Godly presence not many get the chance to stand before let alone get torn to pieces by us. Though you are not very lucky, you are after all against us JFF, we do this for fun and are unbeatable at we do. Remember our name for it will be the thing giving you PAIN and it is the mark that shall be stamped on your ego after it perishes.

All war is deception, We the few, defend the many The Myth The L3G3ND TE The Elite
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Post subject: Re: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:07 pm |
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:48 am Posts: 7996 Location: Fuyuki City Gender: male
well of course you can't see us, u are used to look down upon human kind, just as human kind look down on animals. But u haven't looked up once haven't u? Look up Look up See us yet? No? Well maybe we're too high for you to see... we'll step down a little bit Now look up again There now u see us. Remember, no matter how high you are, we're still higher than you. The distance between you and us is too big that the nyan cat, which has the speed of 100 milion light years per second, has to run for more than 100 hours to give us the poptart but hasn't reached us yet. And u said u beat PINK and LMT? To tell you the truth, you didn't beat them, when they see the name "TOM" on the list, they were all scared and tried to lose in a natural way, to save themselves from being crushed to dust. TRL, on the other hand, dared to stand against us but at the end, they were so desperate that they used borderline flaming against us. But you know, they were beaten. Well at least they put up a good fight... I suggest you should learn from the history, do as PINK and LMT did and surrender urself before it's too late. You've been warned...
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Post subject: Re: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:02 pm |
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Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:46 pm Posts: 51 Location: 鳥の様に、どこまでもいける。 Gender: male
We are totally racing on an empty racing track, I can't believe I am even here responding to this. By the way, we don't wait for time, time wait for us, so shouldn't you wait for us? And Teller, copying the text color doesn't make you us, even though I know you want to. LMT threw in the towel, PINK was just a complete joke, and here I thought we will be at least up against some worthy opponents, but all I get is disappointment. I have been so melancholy lately wondering why the world is this boring. It's just not fun pwning everyone. We just want to have fun here with my JFF fellows, but what a lame show this was. This is like watching some 10 year olds argue when all they can do is deny everything, and here I thought you had to be 13 to sign up.
Did I seriously just waste 30 seconds typing all these? Well I guess you can take this as a sign of us respecting you, but remember, keep lying to yourself, but it will never come true. Good dreams.
_________________ どんな辛いことがあっても、自分自身お忘れないで。この世界にいなくなったら、人は寂しくなる。君のいる意味がある、手お繋いで、みちお進もう。
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Post subject: Re: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:21 pm |
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:48 am Posts: 7996 Location: Fuyuki City Gender: male
ha, said a 9 year old magical girl who shoot first, talk later.
and for your information, that Italian guy copied our color, not us who copied him. Why? Don't ask me that question. Cuz I'm pretty sure u know the answer.
If you don't know, then I'm pretty disappointed.
If you do, then just admit ur failure and go home, or I'll start to lose my patient and crush the tiny little micro-ego of urs.
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Post subject: Re: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:27 pm |
Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:32 am Posts: 625 Location: Eire for life haha Gender: male
Wow aister I cant believe your not able to tell the order of posts!!I was the first to post with green not teller yet somehow I copied him??thats just sad aister we can see how desperate your getting now and by the way all three JFF members have posted, wheres your other member???He too scared to at least try stand in our presense??We will win the competition its a forgone conclusion, once our name appeared on the entries list you were destined to have an epic fail so save some pride and join pink & LMT in the losers corner xD

Thanks for the Sig Dawnice ;}~ Skype: cianoige
Wins on this account:F4 Era 16 (Led JFF and finished Rank 1)

Allies ATM:none ;{~
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Post subject: Re: Ego Contest (TEAM) Round 2- TOM vs. JFF Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:26 pm |
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:02 pm Posts: 742 Location: Milwaukee, WI Gender: male
The only one that is scared of YOUR presence is… oh, nobody. I think that JFF will be the ones afraid to show their presence after the whole TOM team arrives. So if I were you, I'd make the next post short and weak, because you guys still have to save some of your energy for cheering for us when we win. So please, if you would like to even TRY to prove that your egos are Hester than ours, well good luck because if we were the number 2 and you were the number 9, we'd still be greater than you. 2>9 Good luck JFF, you'll need a ton of it.
_________________ SkittlesYUM

Last edited by SkittlesYum on Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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