You know we said we'd give you everything as soon as New Year is over...
You waited till then, you couldn't wait till morning so we can wake up and hand it over?

You won't bother him huh?

What's this? Your message is not valid because there were BR's after your message? How about that BR you had on Haven when you snuck into our turf last night around 1 am??? I guess now a days killing 21 allied squads in their territory is not considered anything, it's not even worth calling a BR

Good to know that people can't keep their word.
Basically it seems Navy shouldn't have made that deal and is now doing what to cover it up???
Oz of Ozone has the answer!!!

Shanks for joining us today in "Here's them Stabbers!!!"
You're right we'll fall WC. We'd rather fall together than sell out our teammate after promising them their safety and their rank ^^
KoR may not be the strongest, but this is what my alliances are always about.