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 Post subject: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:42 pm 
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Wow. Just wow. ML is absolutely winning, yet they use backstabb to get rid of my army. Frankly, I dont see the need. Or maybe Im a lil too dangerous? 0_o Oh well... bottom line: ML backstabbs M. Many say Kane is a huge backstabber... what they didnt say is that he'd do such a dumb backstabb when hes completely dominating the entire world. Ya know what they say, what goes around comes around ;)

Vault Dweller, M alliance


 Post subject: Re: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:57 pm 
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I can attest that in no way we're backstabbing anybody, especially M. There was a territorial aggreement between the both of us. M has violated that agreement by being in parts of Africa where they should not be. We are enforcing that agreement. I highly wouldn't consider that to be any form of backstabbing.


 Post subject: Re: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:30 pm 
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Vault, you were one of the newer recruits into M and LOZ fell, which means you weren't in the loop for the agreements that were currently placed between M and ML.

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 Post subject: Re: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:27 pm 
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lunatic359 wrote:
I can attest that in no way we're backstabbing anybody, especially M. There was a territorial aggreement between the both of us. M has violated that agreement by being in parts of Africa where they should not be. We are enforcing that agreement. I highly wouldn't consider that to be any form of backstabbing.

Lunatic, I had relocated from Africa. I builded there originally, and after joining M I relocated. I was merely moving my army away from my former hive, outside of Africa.

AnitsuEx wrote:
Vault, you were one of the newer recruits into M and LOZ fell, which means you weren't in the loop for the agreements that were currently placed between M and ML.

Anitsu, yes I did join after these deals were made. But they were made with the ML flag and the M flag. And when a member joins an alliance, he/she must abide by the rules, friendships, deals, territories and orders existing on that alliance. And other alliances must respect I am a new member of such alliance. You knew you were targeting an M member, not just Vault Dweller.

These arguments are really pathetic, dont even try to hide your intentions or actions. You know what you did was a backstabb, and its really shameful you try to change the facts. Fine, you took out 10~squads. Even if it wasnt a war, just peace. And you had to backstabb to do it. Really, what a shame of an alliance. But at least, show some pride and accept what you did... even if its a low backstabb by an alliance that could take any other out head-on, fair an square ;)


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 Post subject: Re: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:52 pm 
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It's not my intentions nor what I did, because I'm not in ML :twisted:

【Wins】 - 【12】


 Post subject: Re: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:56 pm 
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And who said I was speaking 2 you? I posted replies 4 2 ppl ;)


 Post subject: Re: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:29 pm 
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Because I referred to the reply that you put that was under my quote; I'd assumed it was directed at me.

【Wins】 - 【12】


 Post subject: Re: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:01 pm 
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i see "supposedly" 1 person behind 2 names? who is the dweller of u guys then? Caesarlegion refering that he replied to 2 persons which is writen under a diff. acc name. Dude why are u talking out of 2 accounts?

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 Post subject: Re: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:25 pm 
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lunatic359 wrote:
I can attest that in no way we're backstabbing anybody, especially M. There was a territorial aggreement between the both of us. M has violated that agreement by being in parts of Africa where they should not be. We are enforcing that agreement. I highly wouldn't consider that to be any form of backstabbing.

alright if u are really so stupid that u cant understand what vault said i will spell it out so even u can understand
vault started in africa with LOZ

LOZ died so later he joined M

after he relocated he was trying to bring his army home

ML attacks outposts vault was moving to

vault had to turn back

ML attacked his army and killed it

now for the more intelligant people basicly what ML did was trap vaults army in Africa thinking none of us would notice that and used the excuse of him being in africa to attack us as a violation of the agreement but technicaly what happend here was that they had attacked vaults op 1st when he was trying to get out of africa so no matter how u look at it ML violated the agreement no matter how u look at it as long as u know the facts about what actualy happend

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 Post subject: Re: ML going low
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:27 pm 
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From what I can see, Vault or somebody in M should have notified ML.. M, you DID break the pact but you >>ASSUMED<< ML would notice that Vault was just moving his army up. I have seen MANY alliances fall over this because they 'ASSUME' a NAP means the pact partner cannot move into their hive and because they 'ASSUME' they can move their armies out of forbidden territory without notifying the pact partners. M, it's your fault for assuming ML knows that Vault had a legit reason to be in Africa >.>

Now don't complain, don't troll the forum, learn from it and never take anything for granted again. M were following orders and don't forget YOU M had giving them permission to engage squads in Africa, as I said, it's all your fault ^_^

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