lunatic359 wrote:
I can attest that in no way we're backstabbing anybody, especially M. There was a territorial aggreement between the both of us. M has violated that agreement by being in parts of Africa where they should not be. We are enforcing that agreement. I highly wouldn't consider that to be any form of backstabbing.
Lunatic, I had relocated from Africa. I builded there originally, and after joining M I relocated. I was merely moving my army away from my former hive, outside of Africa.
AnitsuEx wrote:
Vault, you were one of the newer recruits into M and LOZ fell, which means you weren't in the loop for the agreements that were currently placed between M and ML.
Anitsu, yes I did join after these deals were made. But they were made with the ML flag and the M flag. And when a member joins an alliance, he/she must abide by the rules, friendships, deals, territories and orders existing on that alliance. And other alliances must respect I am a new member of such alliance. You knew you were targeting an M member, not just Vault Dweller.
These arguments are really pathetic, dont even try to hide your intentions or actions. You know what you did was a backstabb, and its really shameful you try to change the facts. Fine, you took out 10~squads. Even if it wasnt a war, just peace. And you had to backstabb to do it. Really, what a shame of an alliance. But at least, show some pride and accept what you did... even if its a low backstabb by an alliance that could take any other out head-on, fair an square