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 Post subject: To: Raider and Seth of Diehard
PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:25 pm 
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You two have been broadcasting against each other for a while now, ever since your little war (MAD vs M). Still, these broadcasts you've made in ticks 674 and 675 have just, simply, pissed me off.

Raider, you've been trash-talking MAD for a while now. I don't care, but now you've went and talked something about BoS; That G is the reason why BoS has won two eras in F1. I will only admit one thing to you: they were a HUGE help for our victories, but you are seriously insulting both of our alliances. That G whored themselves to me, got a win and gave it to me is that you're saying, and that we did nothing for ourselves and needed them to hold our jock in order to win.

So first and foremost, credit where it's due: the #1 thing that let us win was our teamwork, the excellent teamwork of excellent members who all did their thing, helped each other in whatever the other couldn't or didn't do, all of them with the finallity to push this alliance into victory. The #2 reason, being the help of our great allies, with a special remark to G: they were our greatest, strongest, and the closest allies we had throughout both eras, but we both worked together for our own reasons, and we each got what we wanted out of it. They deserve, and have my utmost respect, as well as every single BoS member that has ever played under my leadership, save those who have betrayed me. I will not allow for you to desecrate either one of our images like that: we fought with our own effort and won both eras with the best of our abilities, one of them over your dead carcass. And I dare you to find once where we dared shield behind G and not war alongside them when we asked their help.

However Seth, your answer equally pissed me off. True enough, you were one of my most important members in both eras, I surely owe you a lot, but you still do not represent the will of BoS: I do. You have no right to say G's help wasn't appreciated, because it was, and greatly: I have always admitted them as a big reason for our victory, and I'd be gland and honored to have it anytime they'd wish to grant it to me. Maybe you don't agree with me, but the decision of BoS should be obvious to the world: G was our greatest ally in both eras, and I will always regard them as such.

In the end, both of you trash talked with the wrong thing. If you're gonna keep hitting each other with insults, I dont really care, but dare say something on my turf and I WILL come here and get vocal about it.

IGN: Vault Dweller


 Post subject: Re: To: Raider and Seth of Diehard
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:04 am 
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Where is the damn like button on this game?!..... haha


 Post subject: Re: To: Raider and Seth of Diehard
PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:00 am 
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I may be a retired BoS member but I'll still kill a noob >.> (Oh wait we already have/are :lol: ). Don't listen to Raider VD hes some scum trash who talks like hes amazing. He annoyed me just having him in a watching alliance. Seth on the other hand is just having some restless nights and isn't being himself. He was being Mr. Grumpy-gills to me on skype :(




 Post subject: Re: To: Raider and Seth of Diehard
PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:47 am 
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krazedkid101 wrote:
I may be a retired BoS member but I'll still kill a noob >.> (Oh wait we already have/are :lol: ). Don't listen to Raider VD hes some scum trash who talks like hes amazing. He annoyed me just having him in a watching alliance. Seth on the other hand is just having some restless nights and isn't being himself. He was being Mr. Grumpy-gills to me on skype :(

Im really sorry about that. I fell ill and wa sin alot of pain for almost 2 weeks. Stuff like that can mess with you :( But im slowly recovering.

And VD as i said SOME of the BoS members were not happy with G involvment with our eras. I myself was annoyed that they attacked those we planned to war. You all saw it this era, war is what i do. Even if i lose. And im sorry if i upset you. I have not been doing well in RL and its affected my relationships both on and off BD.

IGN-Seth of Diehard/MADGOD

Current alliances-none
Former alliacnes-EA,LOZ,ZN,SF,VAL,MAD,BoS,KWP


 Post subject: Re: To: Raider and Seth of Diehard
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:34 am 
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It's ok Seth. I know that, I'm just leaving it really clear to the whole world, but I know you're better than that :)

So I really hope you get better bro, I've barely seen ya in Skype so I'm really glad you're still around. Take care!

IGN: Vault Dweller


 Post subject: Re: To: Raider and Seth of Diehard
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:22 am 
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thechessshark13 wrote:
It's ok Seth. I know that, I'm just leaving it really clear to the whole world, but I know you're better than that :)

So I really hope you get better bro, I've barely seen ya in Skype so I'm really glad you're still around. Take care!

I wont be around much longer. Just finishing up E4 then im out. Was a good run and ill see yall around.

IGN-Seth of Diehard/MADGOD

Current alliances-none
Former alliacnes-EA,LOZ,ZN,SF,VAL,MAD,BoS,KWP


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