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 Post subject: The TRUTH about little Legacy
PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:51 am 
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I am bored, and unlike Hunta (who admits to breaking NAP's and lying in broadcasts when he's bored) I figured I would post up the real story on Legacy since it doesn't fit a broadcast.

I will summarize so this isn't a novel.

Legacy did not "work" for the alliance. He did not do anything for it.
No one "took" anything from him. The other members have been asking me for almost 2 weeks to take over and I said no, I was (at his request) trying to help Legacy in his role and with gameplay in general.

Legacy, however, never had a goal of making the alliance anything at all. He entered treaties with everyone. He spent this entire age building armor units to raise his score and then sat on them. Not until a recent battle in Antartica did he actually lose a massive amount of units to ODST which used all range.

Legacy has only a single goal, and that was to try and impress the leadership of clans such as CP and AWE with a high personal score and a high alliance score so that they would recruit him.

NOT exactly someone dedicated to the clan he claims to have "lead" and "worked so hard for".

A couple examples;

He got DE into a war with SIN. He then let the guys fight it for weeks losing units as he logged in once a day to build units, never answer mail and then logoff. This is about the time I was recruited and I offered some suggestions and brought up my army on the flank and we were at SIN's nest in about 14 hours. He logs in and tells everyone WAIT WAIT till he can get up there and then when he gets there starts claiming this well and that colony...

Another time he claimed he was never attacking b/c he was defending the nest. But when a conquerred colony invaded instead of killing the invader he sent half his army to make a conquer on some 1000th ranked noob. I told him if he didn't defend the nest as he claimed I would detag and take my 2k score with me. He whined and cried but did it.

I could write pages and pages but he is NOT a team player. He is NOT any type of leader. He plays soley for himself and no one else.

He doesn't care about this clan as is obvious. I finally agreed to accept the leadership position and as soon as he logged in went on a cussing tirade and threatened that if we didn't vote him back in that AHH would come kill us all (this is before he was booted).

He then stated to me that he was leaving the clan, that he would join AHH and that he would be "back". At that point he was booted. Still NOT attacked, but booted.

He then launched an attack at my colony and I responded with an attack on his.

So, not that will change anything, the AWE vultures circle the nest :)

But those are the facts and this asinine sympathy plea about all these evil people who "took" his alliance away from him is sad and truly pathetic.

You earn the position of leader and you must work to retain that position. That's why there are votes.

He says he never "heard" from the other members. The 10 people that voted him out. I was the last to change my vote. Maybe if he gave even half of damn but he did not.

We are having fun without Legacy and the fact that he runs to others to kill his former teammates because they didn't want him as a "leader" pretty much proves what a self-absorbed egotist he is.

Well, and Hunta deserve each other.



 Post subject: Re: The TRUTH about little Legacy
PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:35 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: The TRUTH about little Legacy
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:29 am 
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im ikillu from Awe and we are now killing them, but i know imortalis was a hard worker for the alliance, and that he was constantly attacking and defending. before the alliance accepted him, they just sat in the very east of russia and didnt move, but immortalis singlehandedly advanced then out, all the way to India, and then went up to the top of Russia. he tripled their terriotory then made them a path down to Antartica to expand there, a distance of half the world. he then fought lots against ODST, with only slight help from others in his alliance. immortalis was a good player, but he did backstab his own former leader. backstabbing your own leader id the lowest thing you can do, and that is why we are now at war.


 Post subject: Re: The TRUTH about little Legacy
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:52 pm 
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I am not a massive fan of what has gone on, and I do disagree with portions of it. I must say, however, that not only is Immortalis a much better player, he has been the de facto leader for some time.

Legacy wasn't there, certainly not as a leader, and after losing their units, he was the weakest member in the team as the score stayed low along with the activity.

Perhaps it was all behind the scenes work that he did, which is fine and admirable, but unless members see a portion of it they can only decide based on what they know.

Now staring death in the face, immortalis has continued to make the alliance fun and work together better than it has done for the duration I have been there. To be honest I joined late, lost my army twice (now 4 times) and wasn't really playing in this server, but at this late stage I want to. If we had sat in the top corner I probably wouldn't have even logged in enough to keep my colony active.

This was hardly a coup as immortalis was already the leader in everyone's eyes. He formed the plans, risked the squads and called the shots. He dictated pace. He was voted in by the members of the alliance, not by a split, but a huge majority.

Am I immortalis' biggest fan? Probably not :D but he has made this come alive and I can only thank him for that. I would say immortalis is churchill to legacy's chamberlain, but it more like legacy is gandi and imortalis is the bastard love child of gengis kahn, pol pot and vlad the impaler. I know who I would rather follow into battle :lol:


 Post subject: Re: The TRUTH about little Legacy
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:53 pm 
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adsads wrote:
im ikillu from Awe and we are now killing them, but i know imortalis was a hard worker for the alliance, and that he was constantly attacking and defending. before the alliance accepted him, they just sat in the very east of russia and didnt move, but immortalis singlehandedly advanced then out, all the way to India, and then went up to the top of Russia. he tripled their terriotory then made them a path down to Antartica to expand there, a distance of half the world. he then fought lots against ODST, with only slight help from others in his alliance. immortalis was a good player, but he did backstab his own former leader. backstabbing your own leader id the lowest thing you can do, and that is why we are now at war.

Given the nature of your post I am going to assume that this isn't just another typical slur and that you either chose not to read the original post herein or chose to disbelieve or ignore it.

I like how people throw the word "backstab" around so freely. I was hoping the sarcastic nature of putting it in my AHH post would not be lost on some readers.

Legacy was worthless as a "leader".

To "backstab" is to betray a trust. I have betrayed no such trust. Being voted in by the membership of the old alliance is called democracy. I didn't even set out on a campaign for it. As I previously said, I was asked to assume the position time and time again over about 2 weeks from various people. I had half the clan voting for me before I even noticed I had any votes at all. Not that is matters, but that's the fact.

The only person in the clan you could say "backstabbed" anyone would be Legacy himself.

He played only for himself. He kicked players and replaced them with unknown players simply for their score. He kicked a player RAJ who was completely loyal (he is the one with the new alliance attacking you to help defend his former mates, even though he knows you will kill him too). No one asked him to either. How's that for loyalty to your mates.

When Legacy kicked him and RAJ came back, he came back with enough troops he could have taken over half the alliance. Did he? No, just picked up his troops, emailed about how disappointed he was, and moved on.

THAT is thekind of player Legacy KICKED to hire in someone with 300pts more score trying to get 5th place.

THAT is the person you are out here defending as being "backstabbed".

Now that Legacy is gone we play as a TEAM. We make decisions as a TEAM.

And whether or not you take over the colonies it won't matter. No one here would trade keeping the colonies or our conquers for another day playing with Legacy.

So you can justify it all you want, but we all know it's nothing more than Cisco and Kid's personal vendetta and the general crystal greed hehe

Legacy was a jerk pure and simple.

Thanks for the props've been peepin' on me heh


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