Hello everyone

, my name is Rock101 and I really enjoy playing supermechs.
I have been playing for at least a year, maybe more, I cant remember.
this game has been a life changer. It helped me through tough times by giving me hope when I got a legendary (a GOOD legendary) out of a item box, or when mythicals came out, I got happy over a mythical or two out of a gold or silver.
I would also like to talk to someone I remember in the past me playing him Alot,
his name was Cpt.Kill. I assume he's probably to busy to talk to me but I thought I would talk about it because I always remember playing him WAY more than once back in the old days of supermechs. I just want to chat with him. see if he remembers me, he probably doesn't. We also have played a few times recently, me losing alot considering he's a professional.
Anyways, Im also going to start a supermechs youtube chanel, I just need to convince my parents into buying me 20$ recording software.
Have a nice day!
-Rock101. (also I got that username from a music program I did once, if you're wondering.