animal rights.... animals have the right to be tasty

yeah, the modern fur trade is barbaric.

want to hear a really bad joke after seeing that?
A seal walks into a club...
animal entertainment, some are cultural and i dont think i have a right to impose my morals there, but other then that, it aint cool. but a monkey juggling flaming chainsaws on a unicycle on a tightrope over a tank full of sharks with lasers on their head.... while playing beethovens 7th on a keyboard... would PETA be against that? how can anyone be against that? (tis a joke see, dont overreact)
experimentation, anything medicinal or has purpose should be regulated in order to be ethical and socially acceptable.
if its to ensure the lipstick a major corporation is using doesnt cause hives on the face. then no.
one of the leading members of PETA's daughters have insulin injections. insulin, a product made for those that are diabetic, come from testing on lab rats.
i smell hypocrisy
but seriously. SEA KITTENS?
they wish to name fish, sea kittens so children wont be so inclined to eat them..
humans are omnivores. most meat that is prepared is prepared humanely, fast quick death. safety, food and shelter. they dont know. most people dont know the process, and its delicious.
as much as i dislike peta, i support their stance. balance is good. also the fact that they often parade models around naked is good too