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 Post subject: PETA
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:29 pm 
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For those who dont know peta is People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and their slogan is "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment"

now we all know animal cruelty is evil so this is not the issue. the issue i have is will the things mentioned iin the slogan so here is where i stand

real fur clothing is not necessary and should stop

animals for entertainment in movies or tv i think is alright

eating animals: until fake meat tastes the same as real meat then i will continue to eat it i am not giving up burger king of course with the exclusion of rare or endangered species

experimenting: so long as the experiments are valid and will help humanity then i say they should be able to do so

sometimes it looks like peta puts other animals before humans which i think is a problem


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 Post subject: Re: PETA
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:51 pm 
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PETA are zealots, period.

There are certain things I agree with them on, like animal cruelty should stop and real fur clothing is unnecessary unless for indigenous uses, but I will never stop eating meat, no, i need my proteins, and I won't stop eating ( or drinking) dairy products, I want my calcium! entertainment is okay as long as they are treated at an acceptable standard, and experiments, as long as it's relevant and helps humanity, sure.

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 Post subject: Re: PETA
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:04 pm 
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i wouldn't call them zealots just devoted


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 Post subject: Re: PETA
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:21 pm 

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bork9128 wrote:
i wouldn't call them zealots just devoted

That is like saying islamic extremists are just devoted...

[edit] or for that matter, politicians... [/edit]


 Post subject: Re: PETA
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:42 pm 
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Theyre zealots.

I believe that animals are lesser forms of existence. If animals were sentient, I'd agree with PETA's aims. However theyre not self aware, so I dont care. Except dolphins, scientists believe theyre self aware, able to recognize themselves in a mirror. Plus there the only other species on earth known for regularly killing other animals for sport.


 Post subject: Re: PETA
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:45 pm 
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Everything possible to say has been said.

Too bad they werent created earlier , when lots of animals were MADE endangered by stupit humans.



 Post subject: Re: PETA
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:34 am 
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animal rights.... animals have the right to be tasty :D

yeah, the modern fur trade is barbaric.

want to hear a really bad joke after seeing that?

A seal walks into a club...

animal entertainment, some are cultural and i dont think i have a right to impose my morals there, but other then that, it aint cool. but a monkey juggling flaming chainsaws on a unicycle on a tightrope over a tank full of sharks with lasers on their head.... while playing beethovens 7th on a keyboard... would PETA be against that? how can anyone be against that? (tis a joke see, dont overreact)

experimentation, anything medicinal or has purpose should be regulated in order to be ethical and socially acceptable.
if its to ensure the lipstick a major corporation is using doesnt cause hives on the face. then no.

one of the leading members of PETA's daughters have insulin injections. insulin, a product made for those that are diabetic, come from testing on lab rats.
i smell hypocrisy

but seriously. SEA KITTENS?
they wish to name fish, sea kittens so children wont be so inclined to eat them..
humans are omnivores. most meat that is prepared is prepared humanely, fast quick death. safety, food and shelter. they dont know. most people dont know the process, and its delicious.

as much as i dislike peta, i support their stance. balance is good. also the fact that they often parade models around naked is good too :D


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 Post subject: Re: PETA
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:10 pm 
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Many cures for illnesses have come out from testing on animals, if it wasnt for animal testing most of us wouldnt be here. Is it sad to think animals are raised in captivity only to be tested on, sure. But I'd rather they test experiments on animals then say on one of you or me.

I dont belive people should be crule to animals, but PETA goes waaay to far, and do put animals before people.

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 Post subject: Re: PETA
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:40 am 
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PETA goes TO far, using animals for entertainment? Playing with them or using them for TV shows is fine, unless of course your idea of "entertainment" is fighting them or something. Fur clothes should be stopped though.

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 Post subject: Re: PETA
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:59 am 
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Lazerman wrote:
PETA goes TO far, using animals for entertainment? Playing with them or using them for TV shows is fine, unless of course your idea of "entertainment" is fighting them or something. Fur clothes should be stopped though.

ive seen a c0ck fight in real life, wicked cool :D exciting...

other then that, the entertainment is my goldfish headbutting and swimming into each other at feeding time...

fur is unnecessary with new technology in polyester.

i think their main front is. DONT EAT THEM.


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