viewtopic.php?f=0&t=1036&p=445587&hilit=AANC#p445587URL here. Will pass this on to the AANC chat anyway

Gault121 wrote:
I would most certainly appreciate a mentor. I'm pretty clumsy, trying to learn this game.
Thanx to anyone willing to take on this non-worthy person
Name: SpeedStick
Language preferred: English
Timezone: Arizona, USA
Contact Details Skype: Phil Rosato
Experience (Optional): on my 2nd era
Extra Info (Optional):
Current worlds playing: E2, F2
Current in game name(s) used: SpeedStick
some info; I'm an older man (not to savy with techno stuff), have lots of extra time and am willing to learn
-Assigned to Abeyant-In future, post on the Adopt a noob thread if you wish to be mentored

Will lock this thread now. If you have any problems contacting your mentor, private message me or post something in the link posted above (he will add you on skype).
-Topic locked-