Well , its finally time for me to go back into retirement

i came back to battledawn about a year ago , had nothing going on and thought might as well give it another go ...
soon after i found myself hooked , and after finishing my first round back leading rank 2 , and holding a respectable rank 7 personal rank i couldnt help but keep comming back.
the next 2 rounds of mars 2 i set about leading my own alliance ( COPS ) who were greater then i could ever expect , we stormed to a 2 round win with complete domination . then the next round proved to much . With the old school deth showing up leading to a huge war late in the round in which we were beat , after 2 rounds of cops we finally went down ... the alliance wasnt the same , it was no longer original with some of my best members leaving to go back to living their life.
ive played a few rounds since comming back but m2 is no doubt my favourite 4 rounds , having just lost m2 again it was time to call it quits

mars 3 is now extended sadly a few hundred more ticks so ill keep playing there and once it is over im gone for good (?)
anyway there is to many people to say goodbye or people to thank for another great year of bd , so you should know who you are

anyway , got no more time for bd need a break so goodbye

ill be back in a year haha you cant escape forever so see you all next year