Cursedboy wrote:
Insane Statistics and production !! Impressive i must say congrats.
I do have one question yet how many units did u have in general ??
1000 power is insane even with 590 conqeurs

Good Question ... i did a great mistake which makes me mad right now ... i forgot to take a screenshot of my army lol.
I have a pic from my army at tick 2650+
As you could see in my statics i had a great amount of units killed by enemy lines. I lost like 3 times my army and lost units thanks to "Allies" and "Rebellion of Conquers".

After we saw that almost all of our enemys had a concussive army we changed to a mix of Veh-Inf army.

hope that helps in something, sadly i cant show you my last army pic because i dont have it. But i remember having almost 2k+ vehicles and a good decent amount of infantery.
Sorry for the late answer but i wasnt at my home when i saw the post