i am currently the leader of RED
(the admins puppet of fantasy 6)
ive been away over the weekend and i get back and find our 'allies' SoTF attacking us and from what ive seen useing the pretext of we said that we let them take our subs crystals
now lets get one thing straight only me or mary have the authority to give anyone permission to attack our sub and permission was NOT given.
as far as i can tell we have made no agressive move towards you.
so someone want to tell me what your backstabbing us for?
i have ordered my alliance not to attack any sotf ops unless in retaliation for the moment and i expect the same from sotf until this is sorted out. so basicly a ceasefire would be niice until i find out what happend and if there is no reason for you attacking us then GTFO my island

NOTE: i am takeing back my gold mine because i likes it