here are some graphs
(note: pro build = 10 armor + 20 range inf; damage build = 10 armor + 5 damage + 15 range inf)
When u outnumbered the enemyThis is the graph of performance (the percentage of the surviving units compare to the units participated in the battle) of the battles where u have 10 squads of choices against a certain amount of pro-build squads.

As u can see, pro builds and damage builds kill the same amount of units (one-rounded) when the enemy's units is 30% or less than the unit u sent.
When the enemy's units reached 40% and more, pro builds start to be more efficient, until the enemy's units is about 90% to equal to ur units, this is where damage units become useful, as battles dragged for 3 rounds and more.
Usually, u don't want to go 1 vs 1 with ur enemy, u always want to engage in an attack where u can outnumber the enemy the most to make sure u aren't losing too many units, which is why pro-build is the most recommended build.
However, there are cases where outnumber is not possible, or hard to achieve, big battles in eras with small alliance sizes (especially in solo) or the first 100 ticks of the era, this is where u should consider using damage.
When u're outnumberedWhen u're outnumbered, unless u have xp advantages or other supporting tactics (agents, nukes, ions), u're pretty much dead. Hence, wat we should be concerned about is not performance, but the kill / loss ratio.
The graph is the Kill / loss ratio when u send a certain amount of squads at 10 squads of pro-build.

The all-range build is the most useful from 10% to 60%, however, the pro-build killed the same as all-range build at 70% to 100%. At 100%, damage build managed to survive the battle when all other builds end up as draw or lost.
If u planned to suicide into an army double ur army size, it would be more efficient if you send an all range attack, however, if u're just slightly outnumbered, using pro-build will be as efficient, with less resource needed for the battle.
>> tl;dr use all armor for ur army