Reiker wrote:
Next era, Rising Tide (RT) will set up around N:6680 E:9706 on Mars 3.
Anyone interested in joining RT must meet the following criteria:
1. Be active (anyone who is regularly offline 100 or more ticks is NOT active);
2. Be willing to relocate;
3. Have a decent set of achievements that illustrate a basic comprehension of the game and an ability to think strategically;
4. Be willing to follow any and all orders. If I tell a member, or the whole alliance, to do something, it's because I'm thinking about the alliance as a whole and what's best for the alliance. My goal as leader of RT is to see this alliance at the TOP and believe me I have the experience and knowledge to make it happen, but you gotta listen;
5. Communicate! This is VERY important! To stay ontop, we need to always know what is going on.
Also interested in experienced and active subs
add me on skype if you have it. seth.laney2, im interested, and im currently in a rank 15 alliance but new

im located right by you actually in F3, my Mentor is the mentor mod Jake aka Ron Paul 2012, and he's teaching me alot, so hmu.