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Post subject: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:33 pm |
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:31 am Posts: 57 Location: Where ever you don't want me to be.... Gender: male
Tell me if this isn't or not im very curious?? Clearly GIFT has no idea. 
_________________ Old E4 - *CB*, KOG, POW, DOOM
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Post subject: Re: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:41 pm |
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:27 am Posts: 269 Location: 1 ETA Gender: male
It kind of looks like an attack on an allied op. Can you give me a different angle? Just to make sure I'm not looking at an optical illusion.
Is GIFT marked purple?
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Post subject: Re: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:20 pm |
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:31 am Posts: 57 Location: Where ever you don't want me to be.... Gender: male
Optical illusion are you serious??? GIFT is marked blue, its just personally i can mark any alliance i want purple. Plus, I thought you could read, but I clearly put my cursor over Ping's units to show that it is her. If you really want to see it much better, i'll show you a new pic, all pretty for you. At tick 1 ETA from landing, I hope you all enjoy.  heres a direct link in case you need it......
_________________ Old E4 - *CB*, KOG, POW, DOOM
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Post subject: Re: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:54 pm |
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:49 pm Posts: 3
This is not optical illusion nor mistake. This is Gift not caring about deals, word given, NAP or anything and just doing whatever they want because they are more powerful then the other alliances
This is Ping attacking a colony, colony relocating, me attacking the relocation location in good faith and in my own right and her getting aggressive, insulting and attacking me for no reason and without any excuse.
This is the Kane i heard so much about showing he has no word, no respect for NAPs or other alliances and being nothing but a liar
This is Gift showing their true colours...the bullies of E4, lieing, backstabbing and backstabbing as they go making NAPs and then breaking them for no reason, just because they can.
This is what BD has come to...
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Post subject: Re: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:08 pm |
Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:47 pm Posts: 534 Location: Fantasy 4
Why are the screenshots such poor quality? I can't even read names in with it unable to zoom in like that... Couldn't you have taken the wideshots and then cropped a few close ups so we can see what's going on there? and I must say... you are getting quite excited about this. I do recall "BACKSTABBING" being mentioned in the tutorial of BattleDawn, so I think it's less about what the game has come to and more like what it actually is to begin with... Not being a part of the GIFT main, I can't say I know what's going on exactly, but in my experience with Kevin, he has a lot of integrity... I was a teeny tiny colony on the edge of the GIFT territory but far from bullying me around, Multiple GIFT members offered me a hand up after a couple of scuffles and near misses. I was going to comment further but honestly... Your screenshots are SO BAD that I can't even decipher what alliance you're in.. OH WAIT! I see one of your names is JOHN DOE. Which probably means you're the SAME john doe who's attacked my alliance yesterday. Nevermind. I have no sympathy for you. viewtopic.php?f=89&t=12771The whole thing is probably a response to my thread here Questioning why YOU were attacking G1FT yesterday. HMmm? Wow... what a drama queen...
_________________ Fallen Angel- The Poet King of KRAW [F4] The Priest of RAGE [F4]
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Post subject: Re: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:19 pm |
Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:38 am Posts: 2968 Location: Broome, Western Australia Gender: male
You say you want higher quality? Is this good enough for you?  And how in any way would SNN benefit from faking a GIFT attack?
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Sensual bath time feat. Ferr3t
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Post subject: Re: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:20 pm |
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:31 am Posts: 57 Location: Where ever you don't want me to be.... Gender: male
There was no agreement for the alliance G1FT. It was not mentioned or agreed to in the NAP made by GIFT, therefore, is not covering you. As for poor quality, i had to shrink that pic, my resolution is much too high for a true picture. Although, ya i probably could have cropped it a bit. Either way the picture doesn't lie. Its there i have proof and thats all i need. To further more, SNN has a BR to prove it all, although Ping did turn the main force around, apperently she forgot she had 4 others tailing behind, so the attack remained live. 
_________________ Old E4 - *CB*, KOG, POW, DOOM
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Post subject: Re: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:35 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:21 am Posts: 2757 Location: Chicago, Illinois Gender: male
Skwrel upload the pics to, or something and just give the link here, it appears quite big and clear. Aside from that, if a NAP deal is struck between two alliances, no subs are included unless stated clearly, If GIFT did not name G1FT (the sub), in the deal with SNN, it technically means that G1FT is neutral. Just because they are named similar does not mean they are subs, youd have to declare it. I dont know the circumstances where Ping started attacking the source to kill units returning (atleast thats what i figured from the very first pic), but its a backstab and a NAP break if anything else. Looks like GIFT has been getting a bit nervous with NO starting up in NA and some members of G1FT leaving to join NO. Well, only time will tell. Good luck. PS: TwilightMask, make your posts shorter 
_________________ Deadman - SYN ----------------
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Post subject: Re: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:57 pm |
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:49 pm Posts: 3
1. G1ft was never included in the NAP, as skwerel said 2. G1ft attacked SNN first 3. All i did is defend my ground; if you have proof to the contrary please post it 4. Even G1ft leader agreed you were at fault
Now, what Gift did is the most blatant and inexcusable NAP break that you can ever find. Malicious attack attempting to trap returning ships from a neutral conquer, which I reached first and which was free for all.
The point is simple - E4 should know a NAP with Gift means nothing and they will backstab you first chance they get without reason or thinking twice. Just because they think they are better than us all
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Post subject: Re: GIFT breaking NAP??? Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:24 pm |
Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:47 pm Posts: 534 Location: Fantasy 4
Thanks for the close up Ferr3t. <3 You seem to be the only actually reasonable member of the enemy here. The other guy reminds me of those Big Foot Hunters who take a blurry pic of who knows what and runs around declaring they have PROOF. Not so much... But anyway, Wow, seriously guys? Ferr3t? Are you really playing with these people? Remind me not to play with you guys ... EVER... Okay so let me put it this way.... I've been on the wrong side of GIFT... check my "When GIFT attacks" thread on this same board. Thus I've had the opportunity to see first hand what they're like as an enemy. Not that bad... They exemplify the positive aspects of any alliance. I've also been on the wrong side of you guys... right now. And this is what I see. 1. GIFT and SNN make a pact after SNN initiates hostilities by attacking GIFT ops. This was pretty much hashed out in an earlier thread. SNN had their reasoning and I can respect that, but that's how this started. 2. You guys break the spirit of the the NAP you just signed by attacking the sub... No... I don't have proof, but I don't need any. I'm not the one trying to launch the most ridiculous smear campaign I've ever seen. I mean... are you even reading what you're writing? johndoe2512 wrote: The point is simple - E4 should know a NAP with Gift means nothing and they will backstab you first chance they get without reason or thinking twice. Just because they think they are better than us all Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Are you really using that ... that... incompetent and honor-less... and utterly foundless of an argument to hate on my friends? 3. GIFT retaliates.... Doh.... And you guys use it as an excuse to say they have no honor. HARDLY! The very fact that GIFT IS actually defending G1FT shows just how much honor they do actually have. Shame on you! You want to know what's wrong with BattleDawn? It's You. Sorry for the long posts.... I'm rather heated in my loyalties....
_________________ Fallen Angel- The Poet King of KRAW [F4] The Priest of RAGE [F4]
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