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Post subject: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:09 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:22 pm Posts: 68
Well, since Hunter has decided to lie in his broadcast here is the truth. A new member of our clan chose our clan over AHH after hearing what a horrible person Hunter is to deal with (probably why only half his members are actually voting for him). That member was in Australia and needed to make a gate to beam his troops out. Well, just to be a jerk Hunter attacked the gate (even though our alliances had a nap) This is the attack--->  This is the message I sent--->  This is his inane reply--->  Hunter acts like a 5 year old child. Oh, he didn't want in my clan so I'll attack my ally and whine and cry. Boo hoo. Well, fast forward to today when our clan voted Legacy out. Legacy threatened us with the AHH alliance. Legacy attacked us. None the less, I get this message from Hunter who threatens us to back off Legacy....while....funny enough Legacy has squads inbound attacking US! lol Hunter's 1st message--->  I ignored it...1 tick out I get this rather ominous gem...  I ignore that as well, and then I get this. I dunno, I am broadcasting that he is a "wuss" because he's calling for CP to attack us. Hunter is broadcasting that I am a liar and that all he said was HBF hates me and it won't go well... This is the message I was referring to...  You be the judge. Hunter is a liar, a backstabber and a silly little coward.
Last edited by immortalisllc on Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post subject: Re: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:10 pm |
Joined: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:29 pm Posts: 1609 Location: In Seth's back yard under a rock Gender: male
hahahahaha hunta
_________________ Retired Sr.mod
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Post subject: Re: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:23 pm |
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:14 pm Posts: 1346 Location: Mau5 Land of Mouses. Gender: male
which alliance is this?
AHH and who?

BRU, iS, TicK, COOL, Pain, FM, OL, WFA, Porn, WaL, TPL, DM5
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Post subject: Re: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:23 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:22 pm Posts: 68
Only reason people get away with lying so much is no one takes 10 mins to prove otherwise.
All Hail Hogwash!!!
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Post subject: Re: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:25 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:22 pm Posts: 68
THENICKRULZ wrote: which alliance is this?
AHH and who? Sorry, we are Novus Ordo Seclorum.
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Post subject: Re: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:03 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:13 pm Posts: 704 Gender: male
HAHAHAAHAHA!! First, I sent that attack because.... It was to close to our hive.... Second.... Idk, I get bored, wait... I can tell fer3ts thats what MT do when there bored xD But yeah, I sent..... idk, im bored again I took on CP.... I Can take on you..... think what you want.... HBF called you a and now I was tellign you he was coming, and I did it threatoning cause you threatoned me.... think what you want I rlly dont care EDIT: I was on my labtop, bored, (I get bored alot xD) sooo.... yeah. CP launched from that border and second, I asked Legacy if I could take that, because it was to close to our hive As for the saying poof.... idc if I say that stuff, I try nto to always be serious.... not like you where the leader at the time
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Post subject: Re: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:23 am |
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:22 pm Posts: 68
So you are saying Legacy approved your attack on one of his own clansmen in an effort to strand him in Australia? Thank you for personally confirming yet ANOTHER instance of Legacy's traitorism to his own clan. You can cry all you want but he was voted out for being a goob. He was not attacked for being a goob. He was attacked because he threatened and attacked his own clan mates. Your post seems to combine a bit of OMG with a little WTF...combining in an eye-splitting WTG (what the grammar). I can see why you got so mad when I called you a 14 year old brat. Any 7 year old would hate being called what he perceived to be an old man. Oh, I forgot...being "on a laptop" doesn't turn one stupid....not saying anything...just pointing out a fact... I am not sure how I could have threatened you...since I ignored your emails and did not respond...just saying....that's a fact.... And you are too much of a bumbling baboon to come face me yourself as you have no power and could only rely on your clan to attack me...even will not even do have no other option than to try and organize (at the behest of Legacy no less) assault by the combined top 3 clans? I am honored that you consider me to be the most powerful battledawn player in the universe! Hope I got enough "."'s in there for you to comprehend all the 2+ syllable words. 
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Post subject: Re: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:47 am |
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:14 pm Posts: 1346 Location: Mau5 Land of Mouses. Gender: male
Why are you guys bothered about this... Focus on CP, THEY WILL WIN!
Just saying.

BRU, iS, TicK, COOL, Pain, FM, OL, WFA, Porn, WaL, TPL, DM5
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Post subject: Re: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:39 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:13 pm Posts: 704 Gender: male
Its not my fault that you cheat, you get try to get away with as much as you can, you snip, all that....
If you want to prove your the *best Battledawn player* Than take down CP, Awe, and all the CP subs....
Iv gotton a msg. for all of those alliances, one of the members saysing *Dont attack immortals, he is mine, he cheats and has sniped me to many times*
And im not offended by your little pathetic *You a 7 year old brat* stuff.... its a game, you take it to seriously.....
Also, the best BD player was Milian... He took down entire Alliances himself, never boosted, So lets see you do it....
EDIT: Whach you language, stop double posting, if you really want war that bad.... fine
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Post subject: Re: AHH are Backstabbers and the leader Hunter is a coward Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:14 am |
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:22 pm Posts: 68
You are so cute. I never said I was the best player. Nice straw man argument. I said you must think I am if you're trying to get the entire globe to descend on 1 player and one small alliance with no subs  I see you no longer even pretend to challenge us yourself. You want us to fight CP and AWE and their subs because our clan voted out Legacy and you want to recruit him. Do you know how pathetic that sounds? AHH is run by a weak and unliked leader. I am not sure if you're not attacking by yourself because you're a coward (my first though) or simply because most of your own clan hates and disrespects you. Your last line falls in due course with the rest of your nonsense as you are the one trying to make war. Of course, a war between us and someone else...not you. You want someone else to come whoop us so you can beat your chest and hollar about how great you are. Sad. If we go down, we go down...I willl still have fun playing with mates who play as a team. You and Legacy will still be bitter angry children who hate theiir lives and live out some fantasy here online where you think you matter.
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