After a long hard fight for almost 400 ticks, and losing almost equal amounts of units Syn and Abi have decided to go for a NAP till
tick 2000.
The terms and conditions for the NAP will be as follows:
1. Allies:
The alliances involved in the NAP are as follows:
ABI and Allies of ABi - ABI, XABI and AABI
Syn and its allies - SYN, SYNs, gSYN, SYNg
2. Borders:
The Entire West continents will be for ABI. SYN or its Allies will not build any outposts in the West. Similarly, ABI wont build any outposts in the east that will be entirely for SYN. The centre continents will be fair game without both alliances attacking each other. The following picture illustrates this:

The area within the white lines are fair game.
2. WAR:
In case ABI picks a war with anyone in the east, or Syn picks a war with anyone in the west, both parties agree to give each other a 100 tick notice. 100 ticks later, an oupost or other infrastructure needed can be built. The same will be razed asap.
- Gipsy / Deadman as MoFA