It is so good that ppl like you feloni decide to speak up in the forum.
I enjoy very much that you are CONVINCED.
And i am enjoyting it so much becuase you give absolutely NO solid proof about anything you say, not even grain of proof. Basically you are just convinced by the fact that SA did this because so.
Very well grounded.
That alone proves that SA got backstabbed, and not only that, but almost all members of the COs that have been dragged into this war have been fooled to believe they are justified to do so.
Hello Agamernon sorry for the spelling. :

The fact is Twitchy is the biggest cause of this war. not that Matty hasn't helped to insure it with the push into asia. we voiced our concerns and we were rejected. It states in our alliance tag whom is an ally or nap. clearly tbf are an ally. again we voiced our concerns again rejected. we made numours attemps to contact Matty and again rejected. we are preparing to show the proff! screen shots don't lie.
And to adress Matty of the hatred there is no Hatred it is a war game yes everyone has there boiling point. dont take it so serious.
At least ppl if you like being a backstaber, stop hiding behind your finger!