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 Post subject: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:17 pm 
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haha as the title states

MUPT infact has a sub and its name is zues

due to inactivity i decided to join a random alliance and just cruise and watch the round

i recieved and invite from zues and relocated to join them

my army was far away so it took me ages to get it into africa where we are

and to get it home i entered via south africa and was moving north ward

i had an op like eta 3 from mupt which they asked me to raze the tick tht it was built... i needed it to move my army so i explained this and they said no no no no ok lol so i look around and see around 15-20 gates radars and nukes eta 3 to every single zues colony so i question it to our leader and he is definetly in fear of mupt razing their hand at him

so i drop to eta 4-5 with a new op and send my army there to begin moving north when i had to oil ...

i have also sent out many mass messages asking what zues is up to seeing how they had every alliance from 1-20 marked allied ... with no response from leader but basicly every member hating it their coz the leader is boring and fears everyone

i log in today to see mupt has attacked and killed my army and have gotten me kicked and conquer by zues

lol quite funny actually ..... well done zues i bet ur puppet masters MUPT are happy ...



 Post subject: Re: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:52 pm 
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Maybe you should have hid your intentions better and not told every tom (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) and harry about breaking off of ZEUS and attacking MupT. ETA3 from the colonies of the rank #1 alliance with 18 squads? Please. Do you want to post the BR or should I?

For anyone interested, it was 258 kills to 27 losses.

Kane - GLA - LoM - UBL - TdCt - Simp
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 Post subject: Re: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:05 pm 
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breaking off to attack mupt ?

proof pplease ?

i actually did ask a few of the angry zues guys if we should leave zeus and form a new alliance

nothing about attackj mupt tho ...

all i wanted to do was get my squads to my colony i razed the op like you asked being the good little sub we are and moved further away and you seem to have taken me moving further as a higher threat or something i dno

EDIT : also yeah the br is funny ... it makes sense when my army was anti tank and you send 440 ranged beam that my vechs would be destroyed .... so i dont see why you try to put me down when u sent in so much beam lol

another thing is yes i had 18 squads of ANTI TANK ... clearly mupt is vehis which should make my army even less of a threat



 Post subject: Re: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:58 pm 
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You built the army for fighting our tanks, so we killed you with vehicles. You allowed a battle with a vastly superior force that took little damage from you and went to whine on the forums about getting kicked when you obviously aren't playing seriously, so yes we will throw the battle back at you.

Kane - GLA - LoM - UBL - TdCt - Simp
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 Post subject: Re: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:43 pm 
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hmmm ... incase you didnt know ... i was in PRR to start with . you were attacking with onlky tanks and i had massed a anti tank army ..... after leaving NA you guys begun building vechs lol this is when i quit prr because i had other rounds i was taking priority with over e4

so YES they were built against MUPT ... but this was like 800 ticks ago :S i was on e4 once every 3 days waiting for oil to mass so i could get my army to my colony

i didnt allow the battle ... the last i checked mupt was an ally of the alliance i was in ... i dont care about e4 but i thought the world would like to know that mupt does infact have a sub

have a good day :)

on another note .... i am glad i chose to join PRR of MUPT when i was invited by both alliances .... i have alot of friends in mupt b ut their is a couple i dislike so i joined prr for a change of faces hehe

i bet its the first and last invite to one of your alliances i get hey kevin XD i can live with it tho lol :)



 Post subject: Re: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:59 pm 
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Haha, I never invited you.

So as for this other server that took priority, that'd be M1 right? How'd that work out.

Kane - GLA - LoM - UBL - TdCt - Simp
Beware the wrath of Ovaltine Jenkins, for he shall show no mercy.



 Post subject: Re: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:39 pm 
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wow Kane that's a new low... Oh yea it's ok cause you cant be wrong... killing a guys units for trying to get to his colony when hes supost to be an ally... or well sub in this case :o

- Cerebral Assassin


 Post subject: Re: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:42 pm 
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We had intelligence of a mutiny in progress and an ex-enemy colony moved 18 squads to eta3 from our base. He moved back to eta5 but after we learned of the mutiny and saw how cheap the battle would be (scan said 0% beam 65% explosives) we really had no reason to not kill him. We eliminated a threat and helped an ally for not even two full squads of armor.

No brainer to me.

Kane - GLA - LoM - UBL - TdCt - Simp
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 Post subject: Re: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:44 pm 
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End Of All wrote:
wow Kane that's a new low... Oh yea it's ok cause you cant be wrong... killing a guys units for trying to get to his colony when hes supost to be an ally... or well sub in this case :o

I must concur I have been reading this and from my viewpoint this does apear more then a little low, particularly your last comment
Haha, I never invited you.

So as for this other server that took priority, that'd be M1 right? How'd that work out.

whatever your reasoning may be that is just uncalled for

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 Post subject: Re: MUPT sub = zues
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:59 pm 
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firstly i was invited into mupt ....

secondly it was not m1 i was on when needed but not superly playing

i am busy with mars 2 and earth 3 those are my priority worlds

as for me being 3 ticks to u ? i was with 3 squads on an op you guys told me to remove it i did

i took an outpost a few tcfks further away and moved my units there instead to by pass you colonies on the route home

then log in to see you took me moving FURTHER away as more of a threat



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