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 Post subject: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:12 am 
Second Lieutenant
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MupT fought many alliances on E4, including several at once.

The following is the official ranking of the skill of those we fought. I offered a similar thing on E2 in assessing Arch and XXIV as an opponent against CAE. In order of best opponent to worst for the Top 5.

1. UTM - Generally active, busy opponent. Kept us moving with nukes in ANT and posed the first real threat to us in our Saudi hub. Likely would have finished second for the round but for some good fortune in MupT diplomacy opening a path to Australia to effectively destroy all UTM units in relic work. Avoided most major mistakes which plagued other alliances. Kept us honest in most conflict. Twice we essentially destroyed all their units, a long time apart.

2. DOOM - An early round opponent we swept away. Left our African power base and engaged DOOM in their home. They were not ready for major conflict. But, instead of losing the most valuable thing they had -- units -- they essentially yielded ground, gave conquers and engaged diplomatically. This was very smart as it allowed them to overcome the early fight and be a reasonable power for much of the round.

3. NANC - Gets such a high placement due to the exceptionally bad timing of their entry against us more than their damage in battle. NANC was well positioned in NA just as we entered MupT's least active time. MupT was engaged in full scale war in ASIA/Saudi against UTM and in Central American against Prr/TNT. Christmas break was our time to try not to lose too much. We were making a run at a Prr relic when, suddenly, our supply line was collapsed as NANC engaged in full. We wound up destroying all their units, but the opening of a third front in our least active time was the closest to "trouble" MupT had. We could not sustain three fronts. UTM was winning in Asia and pushing into our homeland. We could not keep Prr from pushing into NA from Central America. And though we took NANC down, we could not keep the relics we'd taken. This was our closest to retreat in the round. We surrendered NA/SA and the relics and decided to end UTM. NANC parlayed this period to get a round-long NAP at our weakest point. Good on ya.

4. GA - Difficult ranking because in spite of being OPEN enemies the entire round, we LITERALLY never saw them. They only flashed on radar three times. Once, having recruited an early power in Africa, only to watch him die and quit. A second time to begin a ridiculous 21-hour-attack on Madagascar only to quit it. The third was ANOTHER 21-hour-attack on Madagascar six ticks later which was timed with Prr's attack from SA into Africa. So why here? GA was a powerful alliance much of the round. They were in an open state of war and disdain the entire round. Yet, they were smart enough -- either by good fortune or good planning -- to NEVER get close enough to die. As they saw other enemies dying, they got further away. Living to fight another day was mastered here.

5. Prr/LAWL/Grr - The kittens. First, the good. Early round activity and propaganda was able to convince many neutral alliances to align against us. This was based on the false notion we were spending so much that if everyone didn't ally against us, we'd just pick them all off after killing Prr. As all came to realize, the Golden Children of Prr were EPIC spenders. One of their members spent $1,000 on the round, more than ALL of MupT, and he never even had a Golden Colony or Frame. Still, our early advantage and destruction of DOOM worked to their advantage and they got the top powers allied with them against us. Unfortunately for them, this deft political maneuvering was offset by some of the weakest in game play anyone's ever seen. In spite of essentially having themselves and 40 other individual slaves/friends/new members, they continued to make some of the most epic, noob mistakes ever. They'd wildly split attacks on us, allowing us to piecemeal in mass against dangling individuals. They'd make crazy, long attack runs, once to die in Saudi, then, inexplicably, dying in Africa even though they saw we were defending. What should have ended them actually ended others. GA, TNT and others were swallowed into Prr, keeping their monetary and numeric advantage in tact. In spite of individually being part of killing 10,000 Prr units, more even than MupT has now, Prr continued to have equal numbers at each engagement. But, they'd let themselves get hit by a 20-hour nuke, or they'd stack themselves, then split, allowing someone to get picked off. Their fumbling in conflict destroyed what should have been an easy win for them.


 Post subject: Re: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:14 am 
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Good job!!

and UTM is really a good enemy


Skype name edwin7744 :D


 Post subject: Re: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:05 pm 
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I barely even remember when MUPT conquered us.

Probably because we busted butts all round for you guys :P

I don't know, i guess i'm a little upset we got put on this list at all, seeing as we gave it all for you on multiple occasions.



Previous Alliances; Prr, XXIV, DrTY, Doom, FF, CAE, AUA , IRON, IW.


 Post subject: Re: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:40 pm 

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UTM was fun, but our teamwork wasn't that great. I was inactive like crazy on there. Only had like 2 crystals, lmao. I did enjoy our fight MupT, and congratulations again on your win.


 Post subject: Re: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:16 am 
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congratulation MUPT, to bad my colony deleted, i had 600 armor inf to spam with xD
lirik saved u one time i were planning to do it tho, he owe me a rap now xD

Thank you Michael
Thank you developers
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 Post subject: Re: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:25 pm 
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Oluvai wrote:
5. Prr/LAWL/Grr -dying in Africa even though they saw we were defending.

Well we all know why this didn't work. :x

QUENTIN wrote:
Probably because we busted butts all round for you guys :P

I don't know, i guess i'm a little upset we got put on this list at all, seeing as we gave it all for you on multiple occasions.

That's hilarious, must be nice being the dogs of MupT. I'd rather lose and be in last place then devote a whole round to assisting somebody elses win.

mL / AI / Prr / ROTR / Meow / KM
Oluvai wrote:
There is no clue boost.
bfan8475 wrote:
If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight


 Post subject: Re: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:59 pm 
First Lieutenant
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redwurm wrote:
Oluvai wrote:
5. Prr/LAWL/Grr -dying in Africa even though they saw we were defending.

Well we all know why this didn't work. :x

QUENTIN wrote:
Probably because we busted butts all round for you guys :P

I don't know, i guess i'm a little upset we got put on this list at all, seeing as we gave it all for you on multiple occasions.

That's hilarious, must be nice being the dogs of MupT. I'd rather lose and be in last place then devote a whole round to assisting somebody elses win.

Wow, i love your obvious hypocrisy. UTM, GA, and dozens of other alliacnes did the same for you.

I love how PRR acts like they did it all alone.

Also, we didn't devote our round to MUPT, i guess being allies with someone makes you their slave? If so, Prr was the master slaveholder.


Previous Alliances; Prr, XXIV, DrTY, Doom, FF, CAE, AUA , IRON, IW.


 Post subject: Re: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:57 am 
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Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:25 am
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oluvai with his prr flaming again ... does he hope giving them last on his " skill rank list " will make them sad ? lol w/e

as for quentin . your post just get better and better ....

QUENTIN wrote:
I barely even remember when MUPT conquered us.

Probably because we busted butts all round for you guys :P

I don't know, i guess i'm a little upset we got put on this list at all, seeing as we gave it all for you on multiple occasions.


openly admiting to being mupt slaves .

Wow, i love your obvious hypocrisy. UTM, GA, and dozens of other alliacnes did the same for you.

I love how PRR acts like they did it all alone.

Also, we didn't devote our round to MUPT, i guess being allies with someone makes you their slave? If so, Prr was the master slaveholder.

uhhh im confused ? u say ur their slave then say your not and just allies :? then tell red hes a hypocrite ?!?!

qeuntin ! hypocrisy FAIL ?!?!



 Post subject: Re: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:02 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:51 pm
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chad_j93 wrote:
oluvai with his prr flaming again ... does he hope giving them last on his " skill rank list " will make them sad ? lol w/e

as for quentin . your post just get better and better ....

QUENTIN wrote:
I barely even remember when MUPT conquered us.

Probably because we busted butts all round for you guys :P

I don't know, i guess i'm a little upset we got put on this list at all, seeing as we gave it all for you on multiple occasions.


openly admiting to being mupt slaves .

Wow, i love your obvious hypocrisy. UTM, GA, and dozens of other alliacnes did the same for you.

I love how PRR acts like they did it all alone.

Also, we didn't devote our round to MUPT, i guess being allies with someone makes you their slave? If so, Prr was the master slaveholder.

uhhh im confused ? u say ur their slave then say your not and just allies :? then tell red hes a hypocrite ?!?!

qeuntin ! hypocrisy FAIL ?!?!

We were never their slave. We decided to side with them after we didn't like how Prr was acting towards allies (mainly NANE and NANC) and how it swallowed up it's allies just to make up for it's own losses. We decided to fight them, and we worked with MupT. Doesn't mean we were a slave at ANY time, and we weren't. By that same logic, UTM, TNT, and GA were Prr's slaves, as they did end up swallowing up two of them. And then most people from both alliances ended up going into vacation instead of taking defeat like a good sport.

And all you keep saying is that Doom was MupT slaves, when we were just acting as allies. We were an alliance all our own. We didn't have to help MupT. We wanted to. A round without war is a waste. We wanted to do something. If we were TRUELY slaves, wouldn't MupT have tried to run to our rescue when WOLF, and later NANC + some NANE and ZEUS attacked us?

GeneralPatton of The Cavalry
Leader of DSB - E4A3


 Post subject: Re: Ranking MupT opponents for the round
PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:13 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:27 pm
Posts: 7
Oluvai wrote:
1. UTM - Generally active, busy opponent. Kept us moving with nukes in ANT and posed the first real threat to us in our Saudi hub. Likely would have finished second for the round but for some good fortune in MupT diplomacy opening a path to Australia to effectively destroy all UTM units in relic work. Avoided most major mistakes which plagued other alliances. Kept us honest in most conflict. Twice we essentially destroyed all their units, a long time apart.

There was never a big chance of us massing enough units for a legit defense (let alone counterattack) after the big losses above NZ. On the plus side, I did learn how to take advantage of teammate vacation to park units.

bradley of ancients
E2: UAA, Mr|


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