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 Post subject: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:40 am 
Second Lieutenant
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I was a bit bored and had some time spare so thought I’d come up with some Battle Dawn Commandments.

It’s just a bit of fun so I hope no one takes this too seriously.

Please feel free to continue where I left off and add any commandments you can think of.

1. Thou shall use every excuse under the sun for losing to a weaker opponent

2. Thou shall claim superior skills when beating a weaker opponent

3. Thou shall claim never to be a booster when secretly boosting blues

4. Thou shall think thou would be the best player ever if only thou had time to play full time

5. Thou shall hate all spam bombs unless it is thy enemy being spammed

6. Thou shall cry “backstab” with indignation if thy enemy breaks a NAP and then thou shall argue endlessly about honour

7. Thou shall claim strategic geniuses if thy alliance breaks a NAP and then thou shall argue endlessly about why thy alliance had no choice

8. Thou can use JW as a brilliant devise to trick thy enemy into thinking thou is "Just Watching", or if thou thinks thou may fair badly during the era thou will have a ready excuse

9. Thou can use the words noob, newb and nub as they are insults acceptable to the GODS of administration.

10. If a booster thou is, thou shall look down on non boosters.

11. If a non booster thou is, thou shall look down on boosters.

12. NEVER quest for the mythical “pause button” as only insanity thou shall find

Any other ideas?


 Post subject: Re: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:20 am 
Sergeant Major
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err boosting blue isn't "booster" though, boosters are those who boost reds :lol:



 Post subject: Re: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:32 am 
Second Lieutenant
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aister wrote:
err boosting blue isn't "booster" though, boosters are those who boost reds :lol:

That's good :)

That's very good :D

Your already complying with the third Commandment ;)

3. Thou shall claim never to be a booster when secretly boosting blues


 Post subject: Re: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:36 am 
Sergeant Major
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err no I'm a booster, I boosted red sometimes



 Post subject: Re: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:14 pm 
AANC Mentors
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Yea, using blues isn't boosting otherwise every player in the game would be a booster since you get 100 tokens when you open a new account (I think) and another 100 for your first crystal. Maybe its just for the crystal :P I can't remember.

Alliances: CME, 5th, GOAT

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 Post subject: Re: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:37 pm 
Sergeant Major
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u get 100 for the first game of ur account, and plus 50 more blue for each achievements



 Post subject: Re: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:56 pm 
Lieutenant Major
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Boosting blues is still a boost :lol: You gain a boost in resources. You guys are just confusing boosting with donating.



 Post subject: Re: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:08 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:41 pm
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A) shouldn't there only be 10 commandment?

B) Commandments should be in the form "Thou shalt not"


 Post subject: Re: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:31 pm 
Second Lieutenant
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starwa7s wrote:
Boosting blues is still a boost :lol: You gain a boost in resources. You guys are just confusing boosting with donating.

I agree with the first part.

Technically its still a boost but I know where the other guys are coming from.

When people talk about boosters, 99% of the time they are talking about people who boost reds

@abeyant. Don't forget you can gain blues every day by voting for battle dawn aswell as for using the "BattleDawn Toolbar" I think it is

fake wrote:
A) shouldn't there only be 10 commandment?

B) Commandments should be in the form "Thou shalt not"

A. :lol: No. I said I came up with them. I never claimed they came from God :) I thought it would be amusing to list them as if they came from God (whilst not actually claiming they came from God) and I thought it was easier to say what I wanted in the format of "Thou shall" rather than "Though shalt not"

If you wish to add to the list feel free to put "Thou shalt Not" if it helps you :)

B. Ooooo I think your taking this a little bit literal mate. I was simply (I thought ;) ) trying to make an amusing list of the ways I see BattleDawn players (myself included) interacting with each other and the game.

Just to clarify that last point - I would bet that not every single item in the list would apply to any one player

Just to clarify the last point regarding clarification - No, I'm not looking to take any bets :lol:

please feel free for anyone to add more to the list :)


 Post subject: Re: The BattleDawn Commandments
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:10 pm 
AANC Mentors
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Yes I know there are other ways to get blues like achievements and voting. I was just stating that all players have some blues right when they make an account which they most likely will use which makes them boosters, according to this post at least.

Alliances: CME, 5th, GOAT

Skype: abeyantns


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