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Post subject: Who deserve the win? Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:12 pm |
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:32 am Posts: 15987 Gender: male
ok, just a little check up on what the community say about this round. there have been a bit of a discussion in kanes bragging topic about the round. (viewtopic.php?f=92&t=5134) so i thought "lets make a poll and see what people vote"  and as always votes don't count without a post ^,^

Code: http://battledawn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=4690 Thank you Michael http://www.battledawn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=15076 Thank you developers (^-check out the topics)
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Post subject: Re: Who deserve the win? Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:19 pm |
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:25 am Posts: 971 Gender: male
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Post subject: Re: Who deserve the win? Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:25 pm |
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:32 am Posts: 15987 Gender: male
btw. this can be used for discussion why the diffrent alliances deserve the win. win the votes of the voters! 

Code: http://battledawn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=4690 Thank you Michael http://www.battledawn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=15076 Thank you developers (^-check out the topics)
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Post subject: Re: Who deserve the win? Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:56 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:13 am Posts: 35 Gender: male
lol simen
DRAW won period,
i hate how BORG want to sound like they are the good guys, simen you were whit me on UA and in DRAW on e4 and you know i dont like backstabing or taking advantage from others, but its the dayly bread on bd. there are no good guys of bad guys here
NAPs ends, people recruit, lots of planing and team work nothing more nothing less, and simen you remenber how scary was for us in DRAW on e4 you had to be active or you ended kicked and sometimes conquered to lol so this almost 40k score in like 1k tics its just what draw got from hard work, teamplay and loads and loads of activity.
BORG, TS, ROR and other alliances did work hard but couldnt get the score needed, this is not if you wanted someone to win or not there always be a winer and most people might or might not like it so why dont you put LIP on the poll? or even ROR? I bet more than someone would have liked them to win but they didnt
i remenber the old client were the guy whit more relics was the winner even if someone else had more score, them many didnt liked it and on new client that was changed and now we want the old rules back lol i think that complaining about what we dont like its ok i mean it helps to keep us happy and playing, but this round by the courrent rules its for DRAW and if most of us want the old rule of the team whit more relics wining the round thats ok and would be nice but you cant take from DRAW what its theirs maybe for the next round they change the rules but until them the one whit more score wins

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Post subject: Re: Who deserve the win? Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:02 pm |
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:32 am Posts: 15987 Gender: male
happy to see you more on the forum luis ^,^ and i just wanted to see what people think, yes you won, but votes are also a fun way to see who people think shuld be the winner ^,^

Code: http://battledawn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=4690 Thank you Michael http://www.battledawn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=15076 Thank you developers (^-check out the topics)
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Post subject: Re: Who deserve the win? Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:21 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:13 am Posts: 35 Gender: male
lol simen nice to see you around to
well i were in m1 this round almost from tic 1, i saw all the round (from my point of view) and what DRAW did and what ROR, LOS, LIP, BORG, etc... did wasnt so diferent, well you might say but we XXXX fought and bla bla and while xxxx Just recruited and stuff... but from what i saw of this round every alliace did what they thought it was the best for its members, some calls it backtabin others end of naps or breaking an agreement as excuse for war etc. ROR maybe its fealing what we felt when we lost our first 2 relics, but that wasnt backstabing was some kind or rule braking or something that leaded to war they would say, and LOS would say nap ended at tic 200 or something, TS didnt fall behind and said those cristals are better whit us than whit your enemies so they attacked us to, BORG said we are nuetral... LMAO them we at UA rebuilded got good armies and there was a cold war between LOS, ROR, LIP, BORG, TS and they often asked us to take a side asking us to go to the front lines them the bann on LIP made us in 2 teams more less borg ts los vrs ror ua, borg and ts said we are your allies but they didnt move an inch and UA was killed for a second time lost our 2 relics again
them we moved to ror area and rebuild again, starting over again while borg ts los ror played war ending in los losing borg geting most of the relics etc at this stage of the round BORG, TS and ROR were the strongest alliances around.
them at tic 2300 - 2400 draw came to the server, they started near borg and subs draw asked for a nap lol borg said you are just food, them draw relocated to were UA was ror and subs recruited what was left of ua some went to draw to, some just deleted, ror and draw were allies made a nap some players asked for round extension them admin said no, the nap between ror and draw ended ror tryed to recruit some of the draw sub menbers draw maybe did the same and them draw taked most of ror cristals while others were lazy draw worked hard and in the end payed them off whit more score this is my side of the story, if you ask me Draw, Borg, ROR, Ts neithier of them are saints lol i bet borg, ror, ts might have their own story about m1 but in the end its not who deserves to win the one to take the prize lol its the one that did better. but how you can know who did better? score? relic? cristals? on the old client it was relics, them cristals, them score so basicly if you haver more relics you won now its score and score alone which says if you win or not.
so what we should be asking is which should be the wining rule, score or relics? right now its score and before it was relics
DRAW deserve to win as much as BORG, morally both are the same from what i know. but whit the courrent rules DRAW its the winner

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Numair Mujeeb
Post subject: Re: Who deserve the win? Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:10 pm |
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:22 am Posts: 3857 Location: Spam Section Gender: male
DRAW desereved it. Fair and square.
Luis, you should get on the forums AND ON MSN. I haven't talked to you in weeks.
Quote: After months of not speakingNumair: You still alive? This was my only way to actually see if your online Zhester: *You're 
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