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 Post subject: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:26 pm 
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Topic 1: Say you are in a verry good, active, kick ass alliance. You take the time to scope out the playing field and find and area that is teaming with colonies to concur and crystles to steel. You spend a few days (clicks) and everything else involved, and you build a radar to check it out. After the required clicks you like everything you see, then build a portal to get there. Then go to sleep, work, what ever as you wait for the jam to come off. You come back and all your easy targets are concered and the Crystles are gone because, someone in your alliance used your gate to get them. Please help me not be fustrated by this.

Topic 2: You see the red arrow of a "Friendly" leading you to a target near you. You decide to snipe him and take the target. You get a message, "Dude don't snipe me." What are your thoughts? Do it or not do it?


 Post subject: Re: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:07 pm 
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topic 1:

i understand your frustration but there are plenty of crystals in the world :) and by building helpful outposts for your alliance you are welcoming them to have a share on the goodies! IMO it is better to build reputation in this game compared to score. i would rather team up with you than someone who feeds of their alliance's hard work! keep doing what you are doing and remember that you get the bonus anyway :P

topic 2:

it really depends on your relationship between him. if he is a full era ally it is best to leave it! but if the relationship between your alliance and that friendly alliance is on the rocks, GO FOR IT! i am mostly against sniping though :/

Proud winner of the only German BD era.


 Post subject: Re: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:07 pm 
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I don't really care about sniping; for me, who gets the lowest ETA and who was active when the target was available deserves it. So what if you built the means to get there? They got to it through legal methods, and so they can claim it.


So yeah, I'm the guy everyone eventually hates.

[Advice for the New Player Here]


 Post subject: Re: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:00 pm 
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I totaly understand both those conflicting views. If it is there, take it', and if it is yours I will guard it until you are ready or until outside forces try and take it.


 Post subject: Re: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:23 pm 
Lieutenant Major
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MmCm6 wrote:
I don't really care about sniping; for me, who gets the lowest ETA and who was active when the target was available deserves it. So what if you built the means to get there? They got to it through legal methods, and so they can claim it.

Yeah, i agree^

Person with lowest ETA gets it simple.



BRU, iS, TicK, COOL, Pain, FM, OL, WFA, Porn, WaL, TPL, DM5


 Post subject: Re: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:59 pm 
Second Lieutenant
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Topic 1: You did that to yourself, if you build a gate near unconquered colonies anyone in your alliance that sees them will go for them as soon as your gate is unjammed, my opinion, build the gate when you know you will be on for a while,

Topic 2: i go for it anyway, unless its a friend, if they are attacking anything near you and you are in the #1 alliance that(in my opinion) is already your alliances.

This Is My Opinion Don't Criticize it ^
~Skype: MechaStorm
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 Post subject: Re: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:24 pm 
Sergeant Major
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1. it's good. You build an OP, gate or radar or watever u built near the target doesn't mean anyone else can't use it to attack ur target. The OPs are for alliance uses, not for ur own use. And one more thing is that, the important thing is the alliance total score, not ur own score. I wouldn't mind spending all my resources building camps and nukes around the hive for the whole era and get a personal rank of 300 for the alliance rank of 2 or 3.

I myself tell my alliance not to snipe any alliance members, unless he attacked with more than 5 tick ETA.

2. Depends on that guy's leader. Some guys just can't stand sniping and will attack any alliance that snipe him but some will just accept it. I've sniped and been sniped by the first and second alliances all the times but I have no problems with that.



 Post subject: Re: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:19 pm 
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Tip for Admin,

On reply messages, please add the previous message replied to, and/or mail history.


Last edited by Bubba9455 on Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:43 pm 
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Topic 3: You find mineral/oil. Scan, with good results. Send 1 scout ship, because nothing defending. Long way to travel but well worth the risk. You get 1/2 way there and get a message.

We are allied. Turn your ship around.

Yeap, I got sniped.

Knowing our one ship wonder will not do the job, you turn back and send a message, "Ok, You must have just gotten that."

I want to reply with full force and it makes me undecided.
Your thoughts please.


 Post subject: Re: Sniping Revisited - inside allence and friendlys
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:24 pm 
Sergeant Major
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Bubba9455 wrote:
Topic 3: You find mineral/oil. Scan, with good results. Send 1 scout ship, because nothing defending. Long way to travel but well worth the risk. You get 1/2 way there and get a message.

We are allied. Turn your ship around.

Yeap, I got sniped.

Knowing our one ship wonder will not do the job, you turn back and send a message, "Ok, You must have just gotten that."

I want to reply with full force and it makes me undecided.
Your thoughts please.

It's ur fault that u send a ships too far. And as we've said, we're all have the right to snipe. Annoying, yes, but we have no rules that u can't snipe each other.

You can't send 24 ticks spam ship and say that's mine, and no one can take it.

And as I said, it's up to you and the leader to decide how to deal with sniping. You can attack them or accept it.

But if I were u, I'd have turned the troops and find another target. Cuz it's 100% ur fault.

Btw, don't double post, there is a small edit button in the corner of ur post, use that.

Bubba9455 wrote:
Tip for Admin,

On reply messages, please add the previous message replied to, and/or mail history.


First don't suggest ideas in the middle of topics, create another topic in the suggestion box, make sure u've read all the suggestion rules.

Second, we've already have that, just click on Parent/Child to get to the previous or next msgs replied, both from u and from the reciever.

And wat do u mean mail history, like who has u sent msg to and who sent msg from? U can already see it in the inbox, contacts and archives. Msgs and events outside of archieves will be deleted over a period of times, so make sure u archive important ones.



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