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 Post subject: Looks like it's just me, you, and...this other guy?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:13 am 
Lieutenant Major
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Me and this other guy are headed for the same colony and will arive at the same time! What happens when we both arrive?



 Post subject: Re: Looks like it's just me, you, and...this other guy?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:06 am 
Site Admin
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I take it your on the new client?

If your in the same alliance, you will fight together and then the one who send most units, receives the conquer. (if there is any crystal, he receives a crystal instead and the one with the least units recieves the conquer) If your hostile or neutral or anything else, you will first kill the conquer, and then each other. Winner takes it all ;)

I am moving this topic to newbie questions, I feel that it doesn't belong here ;)

-Topic Moved-

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Product Manager
Battle Dawn

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 Post subject: Re: Looks like it's just me, you, and...this other guy?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:17 am 
First Lieutenant
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 YIM  Profile

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I don't think that is true anymore on the new client. Because from experience (unless it was a glitch or somthing), Me and another member of the same alliance attacked an un-conquered colony with a crystal.

The other member didn't have that much more units than I, but he ended up getting both the crystal and the conquer.

I've been trying to find out whether or not it IS like this and what happens if the defender has more than 1 crystal.... but still looking for the answer.


 Post subject: Re: Looks like it's just me, you, and...this other guy?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:22 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:56 pm
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i don't think it is the one with more units that gets it but the one who sent units with more hp. for example: bob sends 2 snipers and sam sends 1 armored tank to the same colony (it's undefended with no crystals) at the same time. sam would get the conquer even if he sent less units cuz his unit has more hp then both of fred's units


 Post subject: Re: Looks like it's just me, you, and...this other guy?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:15 am 
First Lieutenant
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 YIM  Profile

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It isn't exactly more units.. It is the most power I believe. I sent 151 units at a relic and my alliance member sent 149 units.. he got the relic because his units would have won a battle against mine.

I could be wrong here, but that is the only thing I could think of... usually more units= more power anyways, but not always :)


 Post subject: Re: Looks like it's just me, you, and...this other guy?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:22 am 
First Lieutenant
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Finally got the answer after 2 weeks which is the same a Jasper. (I know busy busy busy).

Don't mean to quote the admin but

"The stronger of the 2 will get the conquer and the largest share of crystals/bounty, the weaker will get crystals/bounty equal to their army strength. For example if you sent 4 infantry and I sent 6 and the target player had a 1000 metal bounty on their head I would conquer them and get 600 metal whereas you would get the remaining 400 metal."

I guess what happened to me earlier was a glitch then.


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