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Post subject: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game (GAME OVER) Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:42 pm |
Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:50 pm Posts: 551 Location: America Gender: male
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Post subject: Re: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:04 am |
Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:50 pm Posts: 551 Location: America Gender: male
Welcome to the Survival Game! Thread will be locked until 27th of July, this Friday, Morning.
Theme: To be Announced1. No Foul or inappropriate language 2. Uncreative or incredibility short posts will result in disqualification 3. You must play within the confines of the situation, and predefined Environment 4. No complaining about game results, all host choices are final.
Understand I'm not here to make this easy for you, (its a survival game, you must be creative, and use your wits to survive, but above all, remember to have fun!All participating players have been assigned to 1 of 3 Teams:Red TEAM #FF0000
Green TEAM #40F00
Blue TEAM #0000FF
You will post in the color of which squad you belong to.
Every post I make, anyone may reply to in no particular order, (please only reply once per round). I will reply based off the actions you have made by editing your posts and attaching a “spoiler tag” to it. I will attempt to be as fair as possible, but remember I’m looking for ways to kill you off. It is your job to not give me an opening. I will describe the entire situation, and environment which you are allowed to use. Those of you who survive a round, will be awarded Survival Experience Points ( SXP). If you have SXP, you can spend it to perform abilities. Here is a list of what you can do with SXP.
100 SXP: Immune this round 075 SXP: Resupply 050 SXP: Second Chance (only once) 040 SXP: Save Team Member (state how your going to attempt to do this) 030 SXP: Kill Next Poster (state how your going to attempt to do this) 020 SXP: Kill Above Poster (state how your going to attempt to do this) 010 SXP: Gamble (Explain what you'd like to gamble for?)
Example1: Example2:
You may however keep all your SXP and trade in for tokens at the end of the game
I have written a list of themes, and put them into a basket. Whatever theme I draw, is the story, and situation you will all attempt to survive. Updates will be posted every 3 hours, non-stop.
(You do not have to participate in every round)
Once we complete this game, we will attempt to do a different theme, and everyone will be given a chance to play again for those who were eliminated. If all goes well, each game should take roughly 36 hours to complete. A game ends when 1 person makes it 10 rounds. If you’re in the same team as the winning “person(s)” I’ll give you 10% match of their tokens as a reward. In the event of a tie, I will flip a coin (allowing first poster who survived their 10th round to call it), and kill off one of the players. Winner Player will have their reward doubled!
Now Good Luck everyone!
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Post subject: Re: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:39 pm |
Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:50 pm Posts: 551 Location: America Gender: male
Theme Selected: Combat 1945
The year is 1945, as the war is dying down. Your squadron has been pinned down by sniper-fire for several hours, and needs to secure the center of town and retrieve classified intelligence documents from the town-hall. As dusk is approaching, your squad decides its time to make their move through the war-torn city streets, that is littered with fallen debris from earlier artillery shelling. While the town-hall is roughly only ten blocks away (you may ONLY advance 1 block a round survived) other enemy forces have been detected in the area. You need to make sure that as much of your squadron as possible, reaches the center of town before any other opposing squads.
This seems easy enough, but your squadron is tired, and exhausted from the long battles you have waged over the passed months; having this final victory in sight seems quite overwhelming - if not too good to be true. Just as you gear up what little ammunition you have left (6 Rounds of ammunition a person), you hear something screaming through the air. An artillery shell blasts away the wall of the building you are hiding in, revealing your location to enemy snipers in the bell tower on the far side of town.
Survive.(Please no creating items or objects that do not fit the theme: (ie: ninjas, laser weapons, etc, are not allowed. Also understand that you are not god of this situation, reply & play as if you were actually there.)
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Post subject: Re: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:12 pm |
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:56 pm Posts: 84 Location: qatar Gender: male
We hear a sound ... buildings crashing and crumbling we get up and are on guard even tho we r tired .. the thought about us about to die is keeping us awake and alert.. our bodies gushes adrenaline and we feel it flow through us and we are in a do or die situation suddenly i spot 1 sniper on to us we go below the half cracked wall and duck there waiting for the sniper to shoot and try to make our escape... we make plans on what to do next and also try to recollect our maps and knowledge on the surroundings to know if we could find some ammo even tho that might not happen but its a possibility we r hoping for and hopefull some back up soon may god be with us and help us cross this block
 played with REV TLA BYZ CBOP TMR HUG JFA IW and some other good alliances.Playing with WSS this CE
Last edited by VRUELRIC on Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post subject: Re: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:18 pm |
Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:06 pm Posts: 670
With the immediete destruction of the wall protecting us i yell to my squad to duck behind the remains. After the snipers have stopped firing i vault over the wall into the nearest crater on the right side of the street left from the earlier artillery shells. Waiting a minute to catch my breath as well as give the snipers time to empty their magazines I look behind me. When i see fellow squadmates leave their own cover to either advance or fire back i make a dash into the building on the right side of the street kicking in the unlocked door.
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Post subject: Re: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:26 pm |
Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:15 pm Posts: 41 Location: Ottawa, Ontario Gender: male
As we were pinned down in a building, but safe for the moment. I take out my water and start drinking. Trying to keep my energy and alertness up. As a whistling sound comes towards us. I quickly cap my water, then hit the deck and brace for impact.
Our cover is blown. I quickly move out of sight on the opposite side of the building from the snipers located in the bell tower, using the smoke cover from the blast to cover us from the snipers. I quickly pass across the road to the next building on the street. Moving as fast as I can, I make it to the next building. I hold off, before breaking the door in, as I await the rest of my team. With my weapon drawn to prepare for any enemies lurking inside the building. I bust down the door....
Last edited by battle7124 on Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post subject: Re: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:31 pm |
Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:15 pm Posts: 428 Gender: male
so we move into a sewer drain thathas been exposed, this drain will give us cover inbetween opening and will help us to cover our front and rear.
as we slush threw the thick of it we try to be quiet and we go by the first hole or opening i should say. we hide in the curve of the pipe for cover as we proceed.

skype thoth.moon
Last edited by gunsgunsguns on Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post subject: Re: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:41 pm |
Joined: Tue May 04, 2010 1:39 am Posts: 699 Location: all bd servers Gender: male
suddenly there was a blast and the roof above our heads was no more... our leader ordered all of us 2 take positions just at the doors.. suddenly there came a sound i saw a red blush on the forehead of my friend and he fell down and went away into a deep deep world we turned armound and saw 3 snipers poking their heads from a top of roof. we started 2 fire all 3 of them dissapered down the building..I AM pretty sure...their were no laser sights in WWII. Also please do not control another player.
_________________ IGN - india, styubid nub Skype- english.battledawn

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Post subject: Re: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:51 pm |
Joined: Wed May 26, 2010 8:09 pm Posts: 1900 Location: Look behind you. Theres a shadow. Look at where it is. It isnt me Gender: male
I yell to my surviving team. There all within 20 yards of me. I see bullets flying by us, and see dirt up out of the ground into our faces, blinding us. We stand helplessly behind a small building, counting our supplies. We all have 6 rounds, enough to last us a few hours on a battlefield, but this isnt a large town, we may be able to make it. We lay down our supplies, stuff it into a few small piles, and start to make a barrier of rocks and dirt. It wont be much cover, but it will have to do.
_________________ Retired AANC Mentor | Retired MT Member | CMoTM | SoTM IGN(s) : Maxattack, MAXS
Retired player, trying to come back again.
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Post subject: Re: SPAM WEEKEND: Survival Game Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:02 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:11 pm Posts: 39 Gender: male
The snipers aimed me down and I immediately barrel rolled in the cover of the remains. Barely able to see, I get up and dive into a window of a building nearby. As my allies follow my actions, I check my Desert Eagle to be sure I still have my six rounds and prepare to move onto the next territory. I'm exhausted and tired, so I avoid any windows and sit down facing the door and ready for anyone who tries to come through it.
_________________ Alliances: DG, SoL, GeNs, CME, BoS, SoFe, SoaP, POGI, GOO, POB
Last edited by manhaha1K4 on Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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