Justinjgh wrote:
Eh I would but they were rank 1 with 6 relics and got knocked to rank 3 with 6 relics and all hell breaking loose in their hive to do ROs betraying...
It's not a defeat in the way Russia wasn't defeated in world war 2... sure they won but they lost an ass ton of people and their lands were ravaged. Except it was worse for RO xD... really I don't think they deserve to marked up as undefeated due to that and the fact that they just mad SO many enemies. This isn't just a war game it's a diplomacy game as well and every other alliance in the top 5 were in the top 5 in part because their leaders weren't idiots.
GJ on the win btw. =D
RO got hit big time by SOT

and the last invasions they were swamped over.. except we couldn't stay active enough to deal the finishing blow...
RO wanted a win this time and ended up placing all time low.... truly a pretty cool effort though..

we wouldn't have won without our allies....

so a good job to all of them...
inoofinqisition wrote:
abhixx wrote:
hmm pretty accurate

pretty cool era yet extremely boring... wish we could have ended it more efficiently...
and i guess u can count RO as undefeated in a way.....

boring cause? you aren't being led by me ...
Congrats Isotox!

Thanks a lot Ino

I am more bored when i am in an alliance with u

coz we always end up losing really bad or winning really good