So...I'm a big fan of debate, Model United Nations, impromptu, whatever. I think it'd be interesting to have a formal 3 on 3 debate competition on here with a mod judging, and for that to happen, we'd have to have teams. Here's how it's going to work.
I choose a topic, and the opposition chooses the side, affirmative or negative (this way I guarantee the topic is fair, or I'd be put at a disadvantage if the opposition chooses the side with the advantage).
Affirmative 1
Negative 1
3 questions crossfire (each side asks the other side 3 questions, which they have to respond to with the best of their ability. No follow-ups)
Affirmative 2
Negative 2
3 questions crossfire
Affirmative 3
Negative 3
3 questions crossfire
I'm asking for someone who's going to take this seriously to judge, but even if we don't have one I don't think that'd be very important, as this is mostly for fun. Any volunteers? If interested, please post back saying which team you'd like to be on. The numbers on the roster is not indicative of speaking order, or of superiority.

Team A:
Team B:
Team C:
Team D:
No current team:
PLEASE NOTE: There will be a maximum two day delay between posts. Any side that makes their speech/question/answer later than two days will be penalized accordingly. If you feel you cannot get on once every two days, PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP. Also, based on popularity, more teams may be made.
First off, normal debate rules apply. No flaming, no attacking the person. Use your common sense, this shouldn't even need saying.
Now...Debate order was mentioned above. After every post, the designated opposition will have 2 days to reply. Some confusion may arise from crossfire--after negative speaker, both teams will have 2 days to post questions, and a further 2 days after the opposition posts questions to post answers. There will be NO follow ups, and comments out of order will be noted and judges will look at that when judging. Depending on how much weight each judge puts on violations of rules, late posts/comments out of order may result in the team that had the better debate not winning, so don't break rules. If someone will be leaving for a certain period and so will be unable to post their speech, they themselves will need to tell whoever is moderating.
For every debate competition, there will be two threads, the formal debate thread and a spectators thread where spectators or participants can say "Oh snap" and "damn, Duo is good at this" or stuff like that. Needless to say, this thread will not be judged.
No posts may be edited, period. Not even if the opposition hasn't posted yet. Not even if it was to correct spelling mistakes. Any editing of posts=instant DQ.
All teams will need to decide speaking order before topic is given.
Judging guidelines will be messaged to judges privately. It shouldn't concern participants, just do the best job you can.
That's the nasty stuff over with, now let's have fun kicking each others asses.