OK, since so much trash talk is being put up on the broadcasts, I decided to just put all the cards on the table here. First off, GHA/ZA has gone through many members. The only reason we booted members is due to constant inactivity, with ONE exception. My rule is do not go 24 ticks inactive WITHOUT NOTICE, or you will be booted. Below is a list of all members that we booted and why:
1. KaPiTaNTuTaNx - 24 ticks inactive and wouldn't relocate to main alliance. Was taken out by Prince Kael due to his inactivity. We kept him for about 48 more ticks, in which he was constantly out for 8-12 ticks at a time.
2. ORR - This was the only exception. Alfred the Great sent him the invite and brought ORR in right after ORR had betrayed Kyzer of AAO. The members of GHA requested that Alfred boot ORR in fear that he would also betray us later. ORR was booted soon after.
3. Sarria - Sarria was booted for being 24 ticks inactive during our war with worm around tick 300. I personally sent him a message telling him to message me when he came back. That message has still not been read.
4. Van Helsing - Van Helsing was 32 ticks inactive when we booted him. I actually have a screen shot of that one because I assumed G would broadcast some trash talk. Van Helsing was the only one they did not give us crap about for abandoning

5. xJosh - He was never very active. He came on once every 12-18 ticks and built up units then left. During our war with worm, he did help us out greatly, which in turn, we decided not to kick him for inactivity. He relocated to a spot that we did not designate and was conquered. When he became conquered, he also became inactive. We booted him when it reach 38 ticks inactive.
6. Nanasine - Nanasine was also an inactive member that would vary between 12-18 ticks absence. I personally gave Nanasine 3 chances to become more active. Nanasine went past 24 ticks inactivity on 3 occasions and I informed him that we would be booting him. He left us on good terms.
7. Robert E Lee - He joined us and we assumed he would be a great help and our savior. Instead he told us that he would coordinate with us and at the last minute, would not send his units. This lead to one of our members sacrificing his army in an attempt to save his units. He still never came back on and was 36 ticks inactive when we booted him.
8. Hellraiser - He was not booted. He left of his own accord to join our enemy, G. He left almost immediately after ZA has lost a lot of units against GG.
For anyone falsely informed, here is the background story behind G and GHA/ZA.
At the beginning of the era, Alfred the Great (Leader of GHA, now known as ZA) and Titsy (leader of G), clashed heads with one another. I was not even entered into Fantasy 1 when this occurred. I do not know all of the details per say, but essentially Alfred said some things and Titsy wasn't willing to forgive what was said. Once again, no clue what those things were. Probably insulting some family honor blah blah blah.
Continuing, GHA and G have been at war since. GHA and NESS were allied and essentially brother alliances. NESS entered the fray and begun to fought G early on. GHA was not established yet at this point in the game and had minimal armies, members spread across the map and was slightly disorganized. GHA took on G's sub alliances in the southern continents and NESS (being much stronger than GHA at this point in the game) took on G. We all know how that battle went. After NESS lost the first major battle of the round, worm came out and declared war on GHA 200 ticks before our NAP was due to end. They gave GHA 6 ticks to prepare before they started attacking.
The battle against worm was tough and it cost GHA a good deal of it's army. GHA relocated to it's back up hive, killing an estimated 1200 of worms units. GHA did end up losing an estimated 1600 units against worm. At this point in time, G, GG, GGG, and GGGG had attempted to follow us to our new location. GGGG had gotten the closest to us during our initial relocation, but was repelled with the help of our ally MAD. At this point and time, GHA renamed to ZA and I became the leader of the new alliance and Alfred the Great stepped down due to real life commitments. With the new name and leadership, I began to try to re-establish and confirm all allied NAPs. Along with it, was a request to titsy for a ceasefire. titsy did not wish to comply due to the issues held with Alfred the Great before my leadership. I offered titsy a peace offering using myself as the gift; my crystals and conquering me with no struggle; for a ceasefire until worm or ZA were defeated.
Titsy refused this offer and soon after came into our territory. Things were looking grim until Hellraiser sent his entire army into their territory and G followed him. This left the rest of us to deal with GG and GGG. We are still warring with GG and GGG at this moment. GG sacrificed a large chunk of their military to take out a good portion of our army. ZA has taken out the armies of tobyy, Avenger, Demort, Motnahp, iB, and KJ. The only members left in our territory are Katana and RichM, both with about 200 infantry.
Almost immediately after, GGG started to launch large assaults with nearly 1000 units sitting on the edge of our territory in a standoff against the remnants of our army.
Along with this, worm and WARM also started moving into our territory at recently. This could be the end of ZA, but we took on the top dogs and we aren't going down without a bang!