I'll be using this to post the news then, forgive me for double, triple, n-times posting this thread.
FIRST TICKSM2 just got unfroze, accidentally or not, Seth forgot the tick 1 bonus. I iz sad.
On another note, after reminding Seth he's given us the bonus, 2500 metal (+1000 for supporters) is not bad at all. Though I'm surprise no boost bonus yet and the bonus bar is in 48% at tick 4.
From the 1st tick, I can see it's gonna be a hell tons of battle in the bottom left corner, BAMF, SSG, REN, UN and RFFN will be putting their hives over there. Will there be an early territory war or an era-long nap?
there are no much competition for EKOE on the top left except for lots of colonies. This would be an easy territory gain for EKOE. But look, there is a lost member of UN in between, hope he can get out safely.
There are alliance "Mr" on the top center, MADD is podding in the between of top center to top right. On the top right there are TK and 1M. And there is a wreckage right on top of IM colony >.<
on the bottom right corner there are a large group of colonies, and I can see UNO is starting their sub empire already. There is A55 on the corner too, wonder if they would be forced to change their tags, hope not...
On the slightly above the central area, there is YCDI that should be watch out also.
And plz everyone forget about B4MF, the nooby leader just messed up with the location and he's getting killed soon. So much for a nooby leader...
Talk about this event, Stalking Alice said "But I thought it was the plan (´; ω ;`)"
Player board (at tick 3)
Alliance Board (at tick 4)
EDIT: fix some mistakes, 1M not IM and UNO isn't related to UN