A lot of the Option 2 free token thingymabobber-whatnots (really dont know the word...Advertisements maybe?...) are making my anti virus go nuts trying to block harmful and malicious programming from entering my computer. Not only do i not get token from those sites, (because if i tried id get a virus or something) but the simple act of clicking and hearing my anti virus tell me it blocked something makes me paranoid about the possibility of something that my anti-virus did not catch.
Being a player who does not have a lot of money to spare, i am always excited when i find a site that i am interested in that has the option for earning free "credits" to help out us less fortunate players.
That being said, if every other time someone attempts to gain those free tokens, their computer get crashed or someone steals their identity, it is unlikely that the player will want to continue trying, and in some cases, it can be taken as a sign that while the admins are trying to be fair and balanced, they simply do not care enough about the player to be diligent as to the legitimacy of both their advertisements and or the security of their site.
Fortunately, I do understand the hassles of running a donation based server. And I in no means find this inconvienience to be the admins fault, especially since the token earning sites are provided by whatever company you use to advertise and help make ends meet on the servers.
I just figured i would bring it your attention as Credibility and Security are often almost as imortant as the game play on MMO sites, and the more secure the site is and the less viruses and adware players get by visiting any part of this site or sites that, by nature of being accessible through your pages, you are affiliated with, the more likely new players will be willing to stay as many people are paranoid about ID theft and viruses to the point of discontinuing contact with anything remotely connected to a site that causes their anti-virus/anti-spyware programs to constantly pop warning about afore-mentioned problems.
Or to put it all short and sweet......
Hackers are using your generosity to your players as an avenue to infect people. People might be scared off if everytime they try to get some blueys to boost a little, their compy has to go to the hospital.

didnt know if there was even anything that can be done, so i am not complaining.

just figured as the site evolves and other options to earn free blueys become available you might wanna know of potential threats to the safety and scurity of the Battle Dawn Collective........