So, I'm curious as to what other games people play on the computer, consoles, handhelds, etc. Recently, I've been playing an old game on steam (Age of Empires 2) and thought, man, I wish I had more people to play with.
So I thought, why not see if anyone else plays on BD! And then I thought, why not see what everyone else plays on BD! So, the idea here is simple. State what consoles and what games you play that you can play with others.

I've only ever played some of these games with fellow alliance mates. Could be fun to see about the BD community in general.
Battlefield 4
Mass effect 3
Call of duty: black ops
Dark souls 2 (and 1 if anyone really wants to play that)
I have others, but those are the main ones I still play. Feel free to ask if I have a game on xbox if you play it and would like to see if I do.
S4 league - This is kind of a hole in the wall game that I absolutely love. I would suggest all to look into it and give it a try
Guild Wars 2 (don't play very much anymore, but could get on)
Ground control 2 (pretty much dead online now... but still hella fun).
Comp Via Steam:
Age of Empires 2 HD edition (currently play with about 10 or so friends. Would love to have more people who could join as it's usually hard for us to get multiple people on at same time.
Gunz 2 (haven't tried it out yet, but have it downloaded. It's free on steam and Gunz wasn't bad).
Gameboy DS:
Pokemon. Last version I got was black but didn't even finish it. Soul was the last one I really leveled anything up.
Anywho, if anyone has any of these games (or simply want to list out what they play to see if anyone will join them) please feel free to hit me up! I'm not going to post my ign for these games, but I'll send you a PM if your interested in joining me for any. I don't necessarily play any of these other games a lot anymore, but it'd still be fun to get t know some more of ya'll.