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 Post subject: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:28 pm 
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Yes, I think they do.

First, FTK of LEM was a part of HD. Then just looking at the top alliances to see if anything interesting happened, I see the leader of HD conquered, along with a couple other members.


So I clicked the conqueror's flag to see where he relocated to. And alas, it was Neko's hive.


Now I was obviously very suspicious...... So I messaged the leader of HD to ask him what happened. I got this back.


This is pathetic. If this was edwin's idea, then that is even more pathetic. If FTK was acting alone in this backstabbing, then he should be conquered by Neko, not welcomed by them.



I can't play for CRAP


 Post subject: Re: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:55 pm 
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I concur. If Neko accepts him. I wonder what that says about there alliance. If this is true.. I hope Edwin or Langy do the right thing and not bring him into there alliance. Or if they do.. I want to have a nice long discussion with both of them. This could hinder if I extend there nap or make them allies or even make them enemies.

This can have a peaceful outcome or a bad outcome.. I hope they do the right thing and conquer the guy and not accept him into there alliance.

also btw FTK of LEM was not part of HD but if he went to join HD and did this and then went to Neko then he still should be conquered..

Do the right thing Neko and do not accept him.


 Post subject: Re: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:04 pm 
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He was in HD. He originally made BDA, but left it when HD recruited him. He was in there for about 100 ticks I believe.



I can't play for CRAP


 Post subject: Re: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:11 pm 
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i see.. i thought he was in AC but my assumptions was wrong.


 Post subject: Re: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:14 pm 
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That is like MAJOR Back stabbing
i think someone should conquer the hell out of him

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 Post subject: Re: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:19 pm 
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 WWW  Profile

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Maybe neko are top alliance atm but i believe that when they will get mass attacked neko members wont want to help each other and will run away in many directions backstabbing each other. why? because edwin kicks out and invites top players. i also believe theres no friendship and no talking to each others what makes alliance weak from inside.


 Post subject: Re: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:22 pm 
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I think MES had all its original members besides Surefire. That was my leaders call.. but we have unison.

The thing is Neko hasnt been attacked at all, I wonder if they could defend each other (not bashing just wondering).


 Post subject: Re: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:24 pm 
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IT has been proven many times , the allaince whit the least changes in membership previals.

(E.g DoF(NANC) only had 1 member join(on E4) (somobody quit))

best rank/Best rank of alliance which I led 1#
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 Post subject: Re: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:24 pm 
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hmmm, this is interesting, but if I find out edwin was behind this I'm gunna get a ban.

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E5A8 - >GP<

E3A1 - MES

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 Post subject: Re: Neko accepts backstabbers?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:29 pm 
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good.. it gives me a reason to kick you before you do LOL j/k


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